Yeah, in an effort to limit some of the less desirable activity of a few bad apples, TN is attempting to curb said activity by redacting contents. Unfortunately, their approach is applying a regular expression that matches and fa mi ly related content. Not the most intelligent approach, but hey, they are trying.
Obvious, people want to talk about being "raised" nude. Giant red flag.........
But then what else are we supposed to do besides 'raise' a flag?
Aside from poor punsy comments, here's the post that explains what TN is attempting to do with this censoring tactic:
I do understand their desire to make an effort due to the pressure from their merchants. It nibbles at the 1st amendment (USA), as do many things in our lives put in place to protect us and ours. Concessions are made and accepted to maintain a more civil society.
I think it's still legal to shout out "MOVIE" in a crowded firehouse, isn't it?
In fact, there are many posts and related topics in here regarding the censorship issues, including teamtrue2 direct offerings, for example:
Some things may be getting deleted but there is lots of talk about the rather comical (if it wasn't an affront) attempts to clean up this joint.