Hello again, maybe third times a charm?

Jeanne has been doing her fabulous work once again. We all need to thank her for the perseverance in keeping the group alive & kicking. Lets all jump on the bandwagon and add a few topics. We still need to keep the grey matter sharp.

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RE:Hello again, maybe third times a charm?

Just hard to believe
And Again

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RE:Hello again, maybe third times a charm?

Be careful with those references to 'hard'...who knows the fate of the group if such terms get bandied about with abandon...

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RE:Hello again, maybe third times a charm?

I think it might have been the first three letters of the final word in the old group name... I sent a message to someone around that time with the six-letter word beginning with m, then o, and ending in ent meaning a very short time, and the first three letters were replaced with the text 'removed'...

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RE:Hello again, maybe third times a charm?

That happened to me as well. Frogett

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RE:Hello again, maybe third times a charm?

Maybe us Aussies and Brits shall have more success in referring to our Mums?

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RE:Hello again, maybe third times a charm?

Great to see the group back again! Thanks Jeanne for recreating once more.

I hope Flora can be persuaded to rejoin, I do feel her energy, wit and beauty is a key to the uniqueness of this group.


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RE:Hello again, maybe third times a charm?

I think it might have been the first three letters of the final word in the old group name... I sent a message to someone around that time with the six-letter word beginning with m, then o, and ending in ent meaning a very short time, and the first three letters were replaced with the text 'removed'...

More likely or was the last story posted in the ENL group that broke the camels (toe) oops, back... the slow dance with unexpected consequences... from the blog John reposted from TT2 sounds like an audit of words and topic contents were behind all the redactions and deletions. Hope it will settle down a bit and return to some sort of nudist normality. Here's hoping. Rx

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