Groups deleted from profile

I moderate quite a few groups here on TN. I logged on this morning to find that at least three of my groups have been deleted. I also found that some of the titles to my groups have been altered.

Has anyone else noticed these changes?

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RE:Groups deleted from profile

Yep. The two groups I subscribed to that were primarily photo collections are gone. I enjoyed yours because the photos you posted were always tasteful.

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RE:Groups deleted from profile

One showed (removed) in front of the name. It was mom bods.

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RE:Groups deleted from profile

Yea same but I logged on yesterday and all the groups had news as a title???

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RE:Groups deleted from profile

Not sure what is going on. I noticed that words are being deleted. I put down the word P O r N and it disappeared. Just the word.
They say its an update, but what are they doing !

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RE:Groups deleted from profile

Maybe deleted goups is why my post count dropped by 563 since Wednesday!

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RE:Groups deleted from profile

This is very troubling; I understand the Administrator's concern but truly believe it is misplaced. I too noticed the groups that have disappeared; obviously some sort of offending language. Nothing quite like paternalistic or maternalistic offense. I wonder if they know how we all got here . . . including our offspring? But, as mentioned in the outset, something else is more offending; the continued, unabated posting of literal advertisements for service by 'lady of the evening' wannabees and other varied types of deviants. This doesn't even begin to address the rampant use of "69ers" in names, "cum on by" and the always welcome requests for private Chat on Google or elsewhere. The types of miscreants on the site have been reported numerous times to the TT staff...and yet there they still reside in the posts. A quick program written to search out 'word strings' by TT1 and poof...they could be gone. Nope, that stuff is not nearly offending as parental unit. Too bad the site's 'unscrupulous, nudists imposters' are not so fettered...can these folks not get this right? One has to wonder.

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RE:Groups deleted from profile

Many of us contribute daily to this site. I've uploaded a ton of pics of nudists doing things that coincided with the group's name and activity. I understand we are just visitors to this site and the owners/admin can do what they want but ZERO communication with us so we can make the changes to the group name.

I mod the mom bods and proud group. Mom was deleted. If I relate a naturist/nudist story about my mom, will "mom" be deleted throughout the post and thread? Even though we are visitors here and many of us, me included are paid Lifetime members, yet we get ZERO recognition and no explanation. At least give us the opportunity to reset to conform to what the owners/admin's new policies are.

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RE:Groups deleted from profile

I moderate quite a few groups here on TN. I logged on this morning to find that at least three of my groups have been deleted. I also found that some of the titles to my groups have been altered.Has anyone else noticed these changes?

After the switch from the "beta" site back to the normal site, the "Forum" tab was missing. It's back today. I wonder what else has been "fixed" with this new build. It would be nice if a list of "updates' was provided so a thorough site testing could be done.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:Groups deleted from profile

I mod the mom bods and proud group. Mom was deleted.

Haven't you heard? The new in vogue phrase is "Birthing Person". You need to change the name to "Birthing Person Bods and Proud Group". Flows right off the tongue doesn't it?

John aka CoBeachbum

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RE:Groups deleted from profile

It's most likely they are restructuring the site to conform to new regulations and the insensitive use of terminology. You have to include everyone these days without offending anyone, something that will ultimately be the downfall of this site and most others who fall under the regs.
Truly sad to see the changes, but as Andy stated, WE are only visitors here.

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