Creative Nude Kayaking

Love to kayak and even more so when you find those spots to be nude. Sand bar hangouts and shallow water cruising. Went this past weekend on the river off our land. Found the whole 3 hours I was able to be nude and free. Such a great feeling. Even when we came up on people tossed the shirt over the crotch and paddled on. I am sure they could see my butt cheeks and knew, no one cared. So nice to feel breeze and when you get hot just fall off the side into the water. At the end of the float paddled into our land and walked to the house nude. Such a good feeling.
Where and how do you find your places to paddle nude?

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RE:Creative Nude Kayaking

Love to kayak and even more so when you find those spots to be nude. Sand bar hangouts and shallow water cruising. Went this past weekend on the river off our land. Found the whole 3 hours I was able to be nude and free. Such a great feeling. Even when we came up on people tossed the shirt over the crotch and paddled on. I am sure they could see my butt cheeks and knew, no one cared. So nice to feel breeze and when you get hot just fall off the side into the water. At the end of the float paddled into our land and walked to the house nude. Such a good feeling.Where and how do you find your places to paddle nude?

Did you bring shorts or a swimsuit with you?

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RE:Creative Nude Kayaking

My sit-on-top kayak has me seated low enough that others would need to be really close or dead in front to see anything and even the fact that my suit is not there would be hard to see above the edge of the craft. More tricky than paddling past someone is taking off or putting on the suit since my starting/ending point is usually populated. Landing on an isolated shore is much easier!

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RE:Creative Nude Kayaking

Looks like you have a fantastic setting there. When I kayak and will have a chance to be nude I have a piece like a small kilt with a velcro tab that I can sit on and if I need to cover up I just pull it up and fasten it. It also works great if I come off the lake/river in an area where folks might be offended if I were nude when changing, I just put on my dry shorts under the garment and then take it off and voila!

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RE:Creative Nude Kayaking

I have enjoyed kayaking nude in Barnegate Bay NJ its fairly shallow, 1-3 ft in many areas. I have a st a top kayak that serves very well ive spent many happy hours paddling nude generally don't see anyone some times z few other paddlers i think i saw a couplr nude paddlers as well but as i came up on where they were sitting on shore they covered up. I didn't want to intrude so i kept going.

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RE:Creative Nude Kayaking

My nude paddling generally has me passing people on their boats doing a spot of recreational fishing. Usually I can go in shallower water which helps keep distance but last Saturday there were also divers interested in those same shallow areas. I think I was distant enough but when do divers start to worry about a kayak passing by?

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RE:Creative Nude Kayaking

when do divers start to worry about a kayak passing by?
Not sure I understand what you're asking here. As a diver, I'm not concerned with kayaks. It's spinning props on power boats that I worry about.

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RE:Creative Nude Kayaking

If the water's too shallow for motorboats, I can't see it being of much interest to divers. Steve, any chance you are talking about snorkelers?

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RE:Creative Nude Kayaking

They may have been. I didn't look too closely and it was the fist time I'd really encountered them. Leaving my glasses at the shore doesn't help me see the details, either... :-)

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