Nude tradesmen

I want to create a new nudist tradesmen facility for like minded people but wanting to see if can stir up business before I progress. Any feed back welcome.

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RE:Nude tradesmen

I would not hire someone just because he worked while nude. I want someone to do the job well and for a reasonable price. That goes for tradeswomen as well.

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RE:Nude tradesmen

I don't care if a tradesman work in my home nude or not, just as long as the work is good and no added fee because they are nude.

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RE:Nude tradesmen

I am a trades person and I like to work nude.
My work ethic is excellent, the quality of work is superb and my prices are fair and reasonable.
I will always see a job through and never leave unfinished work or mess behind
I have placed numerous adverts for a nude handyman, naked builder etc but only seem to get time wasters and people who think that you just want to have sex with them because you get naked.
I think your idea of somewhere to find a naked handyman/woman is excellent. Maybe we could do something.
I live in South Birmingham.
Email me at if you are still interested

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RE:Nude tradesmen

This makes the most sense to me - not sure why anyone would focus on a person state of dress rather than their proficiency and ability to get the job done well. Unless of course they were looking for something else from the encounter.
I would not hire someone just because he worked while nude. I want someone to do the job well and for a reasonable price. That goes for tradeswomen as well.

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