Personal note.

It's been a while since my wife passed on the her eternal reward and I have been living the single life. I'm a man who misses having a woman in his life and am in search of a lady to share good and quiet times.

For several months, I have been attempting through various sources to find a woman to share my life with and have little to show for my efforts. Since my ideal match would have two unusual and different traits, I am therefore trying a new and different approach through True Nudists. I would like to meet a single nudist woman who is also a practicing Catholic. Ideally she should be 75 years or older with no upper age limit. Since I live in the South West United States, it would be great if she lived in the same area.

This is not just fo me but I would hope to add to the quality of our lives and fulfill both of our needs, desires and dreams. Finding a soul mate would be my ultimate desire and I'm sure her's also. It would be such a joy to find each other to love for ever.

Hopefully she would be intelligent, share my Conservative views, have a sense of humor, can discuss a variety of topics and not afraid to express her views. Also adventurous, seeks paths less traveled and loves romance. Like it if she is a bit of a Tomboy who likes to be pampered.

If anyone knows of such a person, please contact her to get her permission to pass her contact information on to me. She does not need to be a member of True Nudists but just enjoys the nudist lifestyle. You can then contact me on my site DesertRat. I will then contact her and see where it leads.

I'm of Italian descent and was raised around the dinner table. We'd sit, talk and eat great Italian food for hours. Italians are known as great lovers and knowing how to make a woman feel like a queen

Thank you in advance for your help and please pass this information along to friends and acquaintances.

Carpe Diem, DesertRat

PS. I hope people are not offended by my using this site for purposes other than the original intent. I apoligise to all who may be put off by this type of entry. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa.

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