RE: Let's be Open and Honest

I'm a papist since birth. Well, since baptism actually. I am far from an expert on the Catholic faith, but it seems to me that some of the biggest reasons for people leaving-or not becoming Catholic- is because it is greatly misunderstood, it is not the easy path; it requires effort, and it is not stylish. We have had some leave our local church for a non-denominational church that does little more than play contemporary music for an hour each week. It is more of a social event than a spiritual one. For me, that would be akin to punching a time card-a shallow attempt at saying that you belong to a faith. Sort of a feel-good measure with no skin in the game. The Catholic faith is misunderstood by a lot of people. Many of her detractors fail to recognize the difference between the Catholic Church and the Catholic Faith. The faith is a lifelong pursuit with many ups and downs. Remarkably; for me I am always doing my best and am at my happiest and most fulfilled-most saitisfied with life- when I am "in tune" with the church's teaching (the faith). The effort pays off in a very deep and personal way that cannot be achieved by visiting only on Easter and Christmas. As for the Catholic Church? She does an awful lot of good. She is the guiding organization for the faith. She preaches forgiveness and acceptance much more so than popular culture would have you believe. And, many fail to remember that she is made up of imperfect human beings who need to receive the same forgiveness and tolerance that they preach.
Excellent post! This Faith really has to be a part of you, before you can truly understand it. Thank you for your Forum entry.

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