
Im Nancy new to this group, I will like to met and to learn more about this nudity stuff and new to it

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Seems you are in USA Nancy. Are you visiting Australia?

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Seems you are in USA Nancy. Are you visiting Australia?

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Hi Nancy,
If you are serious about trying nudism. I would suggest you visit a venue.
Tell the venue you are nude curious and they'll give you a tour around there place and SHOULD allow you to remain clothed, for the tour.
You'll see that most venues are just like an RV Park, usually with a pool and people social.
Sometimes the venues hold events (such as themed parties or silly childish activities (tug-of-war, 3 legged race, egg'n spoon etc.)... dances, sporting events and more.
The only thing that's different, is our state of undress (we're all naked).

Your profile mentions you're in the US. Suggest you browse the official US naturist website
Don't bother viewing that website if you are interested in swinging, orges or hook-ups. They are not to be confused/linked with naturism, as they have nothing to do with naturism. It's simply just being naked.

Hope this reply helps to clarify "nudist stuff".

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Id be happy to chat about anything and everything you have questions about Ive been a nudist for over 30 years when my then gal took me at 18


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Id be happy to chat about anything and everything you have questions about Ive been a nudist for over 30 years when my then gal took me at 18


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