Can you be naked in public in Portland?

I've heard that being naked in public in Portland is legal, but I've also heard that it's a grey area. Can anyone shed some naked truth to this? I live in the Seattle area and it is "allowed" here, but only until someone reports you. I've been personally stopped several times by local police early in the morning during my naked walks, and been told every time that it's not illegal by default, unless around minors and unless someone reports you. I've been let go by the cops every time because of this...........Sooooo, what is the skinny for Portland?

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RE:Can you be naked in public in Portland?

Portland had two nude beaches I would just use those. Collins Beach and Rooster Rock.

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RE:Can you be naked in public in Portland?

You are a brave-determined soul! In some municipalities in other parts of the U.S., if a kid sees you nude, you are automatically branded a 'sex-offender.' What a scar/label to have to live with for the rest of your life. For me, it would be game over the minute the police showed up. I don't want to have anything to do with getting penalized by the legal system - even if one wins in court.

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RE:Can you be naked in public in Portland?

You are a brave-determined soul! In some municipalities in other parts of the U.S., if a kid sees you nude, you are automatically branded a 'sex-offender.' What a scar/label to have to live with for the rest of your life. For me, it would be game over the minute the police showed up. I don't want to have anything to do with getting penalized by the legal system - even if one wins in court.

To each his own

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RE:Can you be naked in public in Portland?

TM2010........and so we nudists ensure discreteness when getting naked in those municipalities, because none of us wants that to happen. But some places are less restrictive, that is why I am asking, so that those boundaries are understood. Yes I do push the limits, I have always been that type of person, and so I am with social nudity

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RE:Can you be naked in public in Portland?

Portland, Eugene, and Ashland are the three places you can't be nude in, Portland allows nudity for protests and the naked bike ride, other than it is considered indecent exposure. All three cities laws are worded almost exactly the same. People always think Portland is nude friendly because Oregon is the most nude friendly state in the country.

Thank you Kassodor

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RE:Can you be naked in public in Portland?

Also you cannot show your genitals to a minor.

Really? What happens when you go to a public swimming pool and get changed in the changing rooms? There might be minors there, and that should go equally for women as it does for men.
If that's the law there, it's the stupidest thing I have heard in a long time.

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RE:Can you be naked in public in Portland?

Nudity is somewhat expected in locker rooms. Walking down the street of your neighborhood is not expected. The people that will call the cops are not the same people who use locker rooms. I someone (i.e. your neighbor) hates nudity and sees it as indecent, they will not be in locker rooms.
When you are in the locker room and changing clothes, then some nudity is expected and will not be reported. If you stand there masturbating, engaging in something sexual, or taking pictures, that will be reported.

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RE:Can you be naked in public in Portland?

There's always a fine line between nudity and indecent exposure. In the US, avoiding children when naked is definitely important. Here in the Midwest, I imagine most people don't care much if others are naked and not engaging in any sexual behaviors or attitudes. The gray area is always the minority who are quick to take offense and call the police because they can. Then the authorities have to walk the fine line between honoring both the person feeling threatened and the one just hanging out without pants. I don't want to get stuck on the wrong side of stupid interpretations of vaguely written laws and tend to take precautions as a result.

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RE:Can you be naked in public in Portland?

Yeah . Know what that means . And the needs to be seen naked , but not naked . All very confusing .

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