
Who has had their Glans ring pop off at an unexpected time, did you retrieve it discreetly, did you have anyone who saw it happen, did you have to explain? I wear mine each morning but usually not during the day, I teach yoga and floor poses do not feel good with it pressing against a bone etc. I have had mine fall off in a group of people and someone ask what that was and where did it come from, I said just something I had in my pocket, and I had a hole in my pocket. They seemed to buy that excuse and did not get a real good look at it. I have taken it off and had on my keychain with keys before no one paid it much attention. I have someone at a nude beach comment nice ring. The wife likes to bring that up when we are around nudist friends everyone gets a laugh. The last time they said "let's see" so I slipped it one and let them check it out. So far I have not lost one that I did not later find.

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Lost two, both in the ocean and never seen again. The extra tug of the surf made the difference.

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Walking through the mall with the wife. I had just started to try out c-rings. This one was a size too big. Well it came off fast and hit the tile floor. LOADLY ! I was wearing shorts so no way to stop it from going down the leg.
Did everyone know that a c-ring makes a load noise when it hits the floor. And it rolls very fast ! !

The little girl with her mom said whats the man chasing ? Lol

Well I stopped wearing that size walking around. Yes I wear it all the time at home. Or at nudist venues.

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I hope it wasn't the one you got from me. That's a great story. I had a similar situation with my pinky rings. I attend church wearing cargo shorts. As I sat down, the rings fell off and to the floor. 2 were brass. My neighbor asked, 'did you drop those?' I grabbed them and said, 'yea, there must be a hole in my pocket.'
I will be laughing about that for a long time. Forgive me Lord, for I have sinned.

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Oh no this was, oh crap 10 years ago now. Were in the hell does the time go. L O L.

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I have lost the ball out of my PA a couple of times, once with a loud clunk as it hit the ground and rolled away

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