RE:Nude Beach

It was probably 1974 or 1975. I was 19 or 20. I was in college in North Carolina. Someone told us about a great swimming spot on the Little River, outside of Durham. So a bunch of us boys and girls got into one guy's car and drove out there.

The spot, in the woods, was a wider area with a lot of big rocks, forming pools and coves. And we right away noticed that 1) It was popular with college age kids, and 2) people were in swimsuits or naked, just as they chose.

One girl in our group had had her first mixed, nude swimming experience a few weeks earlier. It was a surprise for her, but she loved it--and she'd been bubbling about it to all of us, and wanting to do it again. So after we'd been there for a while, I saw her go, with a nervous smirk, over to the other girls and talk to them kind of conspiratorially. The others looked a little alarmed at first, but then they, as a group, approached us boys, and suggested we get naked.

We had a couple of minutes of, "Well, I'll do it if you'll do it." Then we guys stripped off on the river bank, while the girls got in the water, pulled off their swimsuits and put them on the bank.

It didn't take too long, though, before most everybody got to feeling very easy with it. The girls (except for one) got to where they would climb out and sit naked on a rock for a while.

While we'd been in the water, another group came along and started a picnic next to where we'd laid our things. They kept their clothes on, and I don't think they suspected anything. So I think they were a little startled when we all (except for that one girl) hauled out stark naked to get dressed to go home. I don't think any of us were in a hurry to put clothes on. One girl put on a t-shirt, and announced that she was ready.

I happened to be the one standing nearest to the picnic. I stood looking around at the scenery, and then I happened to look in the direction of the picnic. And it seemed that at the moment, all the girls' heads were turning away. I'm afraid I got to playing with them a bit; I'd stand and look around everywhere but at them, and then I'd turn towards them. And every time, it was the same--heads "just happened to be" turning away at that instant.

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RE:Nude Beach

I do want to say, I understand that spot on the Little River is not available any more. It was private property. A few years later, after an incident in which someone died, the owners cut off access.

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RE:Nude Beach

For Marie and I it was going out to the Verde hot springs in Arizona. Its an old hotel that burned down in the fifties.
The hot springs are naturally fed from the ground. But it was our first time there and knew that people get naked. So when we showed up I took my pack off and dropped my shorts. Lol. Marie was mad at me for not waiting for her to get her clothes off. Well she finally took her bottoms off. She felt bad about not having a teenagers body anymore. Lol Well after a while she took her top off also and we have not stopped since.

Going to the California beach (San Orefre). Just north of Camp Pendleton was great. Met a family right off that have stayed friends for twenty years now. We loved walking along the shore and watching the waves for hours. We got our best tans there.

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RE:Nude Beach

Great story - here in Austin TX we have Hippie Hollow a legal nude park run by the County - on banks of Lake Travis. Hundreds go on the weekends and thousands on holidays even filling to capacity. You don't have to get naked but why not? Love the place and the experience. Hope to meet some of you out there this coming summer to enjoy - let me know and will have a good time hanging out. AustinJohn

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RE:Nude Beach

We are blessed in northwest Oregon to have three resorts and two nude beaches (Rooster Rock and Collins Beach/Sauvie Island). Whereas I try to visit the resorts as often as possible, I've only made it to the beaches once each, but both experiences were wonderful and I can't wait to visit each again.

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RE:Nude Beach

Hoping to wake things up a bit, here. Some time ago, I wrote about my absolute first nudist experience in college in North Carolina, in the 1970s.

After that experience, I never got to go back to that river again (the one time anybody I knew was driving there, I was up all night writing a late paper. I then spent my 20s and 30s looking for a place, and--foolishly--sitting and dipping nude at a river in the Maryland suburbs of DC. I was, at the same time, hoping not to get caught, and hoping to start a trend there.

It was 1994, I was almost 40, when I found Gunnison Beach on Sandy Hook, New Jersey--absolutely the closest officially clothing optional public beach (as opposed to a private club) to Washington, DC

By the way, for many years that I was going there, I didn't have a car. I'd take two buses overnight to get to the park entrance at Sea Bright, New Jersey, and then I'd walk 4 1/2 miles (past all but one of the other beaches) to get to the particular beach where naked is allowed.

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