Why is the "Oscar Mayer Wiener" song running through my head

These past few days, you can hardly avoid hearing about Weiner's Wiener.
I have zero love for the guy--I'll be happy to see him out. But it bothers me. I've posted my wiener--and my everything else (i.e. my face)--to this site and to others (I got kicked out of Facebook), and I've emailed to friends. If anybody asks me if I've ever done it, the answer is an unhesitating "yes! What about it?"
I've seen a little, but not enough on this point. What are these women doing?? They say they carried on this exchange for years. Isn't it easy to block (I actually don't know--don't have Twitter and don't plan to, but I hear it is)? Evidently, they weren't too traumatized. So why, now, are they "coming forward"?
I suggest it's for their 15 minutes of fame, and perhaps for a few bucks.

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RE: Why is the

Totally agree with Deosil's take on this -- wasn't exactly a brilliant thing to do but hardly qualifies as a major scandal. But boy, the late-night comedians are just loving this right now, lol.

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RE: Why is the

Well, the bruhaha is that it shows a most definite silhouette, and was posted publicly (on accident, apparently) by a major politician. And he's married, so the "sexting" with a handful of other women online suggests some degree of dishonesty/cheating. And, he initially lied about being responsible for the posting. And, while denying, he insulted a number of reporters. I think the public's interest in this should mainly be confined to irritation that a politician should be much more careful/circumspect -- if he's this stupid in how he manages his interactions, then why would we want him making decisions about law? The difference in what types of photos he's posted versus lifestyle nudists could be that his were sent with the intention of being sexually provocative/flirtatious. One news story stated that he'd emailed an erection photo to the woman who he accidentially outed his photo to. So, I don't think you'd want to make the case that he should be considered an innocent nudist. At the same time, I find the whole sequence to be a major waste of time/resources. Why should this be costing the taxpayers a major ethics investigation?!? I don't think there's a case for anything on that scale, and it should be story over at this point. Let the voters in his district decide if they want to reelect him next time around after this circus.

If that's the photo, you can't really tell if he's 'circumspect'......although he is jewish.....LOL

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