RE:Have you been nude in front of your neighbor?

I really miss our last place. We had a large in ground pool, so most of our yard was secluded. I taught school, so I was home most of the summer. So, I worked in the yard mainly nude and would lay out nude. When it was really hot, I could get my wife nude in the pool. There was a small opening between us and one neighbor. My wife didnt like it because she was always working over there with her breast almost exposed. We had a gate between us and she was always coming over to plant something in my yard. She had breasts augmentation surgery while we were there. One time I was over there and she was running around in a bikini. Too bad I didnt approach her about it, we might could have been nude together. Now, I live in a state where nudity is illegal. My subdivision doesnt allow fences and I live on a corner lot. I have fixed my deck where I can layout nude. I always cover up when a drone or helicopter goes over. Since, my wife has died, I live nude in the house and keep the doors locked.

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RE:Have you been nude in front of your neighbor?

We are very lucky to have a secluded back yard and patio. If neighbors go to the end of the yard we can be seen. It does happen with various neighbors but we assume they want to see us, we do not mind. No one has taken our invites to join us seriously yet. Always funny to get various textiles reactions. I figure just be natural, no big deal.

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RE:Have you been nude in front of your neighbor?

Nope never have and not interested in being seen by my neighbor I am not a naturist/nudist to be seen.

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