Columbus nudist newbie

Hey everyone. I am new to the Columbus area. Found its a great place to be but dont know any nudists here. Would really like to make some new connections and friends to hang out with. Feel free to message me

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RE:Columbus nudist newbie

The first thing I would do is visit the websites for The NaturistSociety and the American Association for Nude Recreation, and see what chapters of that organization are local to you. (I know of the Have Sun Will Travel in Marion and the Northcoast Naturists in Cleveland; both have websites.)

There's also a resort called Hillside Haven in Otway. They may be able to put you in contact with somebody local to you.

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RE:Columbus nudist newbie

Your message is private. That means "don't call us, we'll call you." You might consider changing that if you expect a response.

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