RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

when I'm relaxing on the back deck or BBQing if my neighbor are in their yard they can see me and they have many times and so far no one has complained

Saw on your profile that you are close to retirement age. Are you planning your retirement? Do you plans include spending more time nude?

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

Yes,wife was sunbathing naked on our backyard deck,had towels and such on the railings so neighbors couldn't see.Wind came up and she had to get up and pick them up, in full view of the neighbor lady. She said no problem, she used to be a nudist when they lived in Calif. I enclosed the deck the next week.

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

Likely, probably, and in fact I would bet a months mortgage they have. I dont parade around and show off, but I live nude when legally and practically possible, and so Im naked at home as soon as I get into the front door, and weather permitting, I am in my back yard nude, even if just to walk out and take out trash. They havent mentioned it but I have no doubt they have seen my bare ass. Thats on them for looking into my yard,

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

All the time, and I love it. I am nude all day everyday as much as I can. I am a huge exhibitionist and get very excited when people watch me nude or performing some sexual acts. Many times I have seen my Neighbors watching me playing or sunning myself in my yard fully nude. I always give them a full show and it is great. ..

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

Will be getting some new ones on one side soon (to let sign has gone up.) but it is a low chance they will be able to see me naked in day to day living.

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

I just moved to a new house with a back garden. It can be seen into by multiple neighbors from their upper floor windows, but that's not illegal here in the Netherlands. So a few days ago I went into the back garden naked to get some things I had left on the table, and I noticed a woman passing behind a window in one of the houses behind us. She looked at me, like she had never seen a naked guy before.
I just continued what I was doing, not letting her know I saw her looking.

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

Over a month ago, we had our largest privacy tree trimmed. It hadn't been trimmed up since we planted it over 10 yrs ago. It blocked the two windows from the upstairs floor of our next-door neighbor's home. Since I had that tree trimmed and the one next to it removed, it's left us little privacy from those two windows from our neighbor's house.

We decided many, many years ago, before we moved here and when we began living as nudists, that we would just continue living our life and not worry about neighbors. It's worked out fine for us in every home we've rented and now owned. Our previous neighbors, at all three homes we've bought, caught a glimpse of us while we were naked in our backyards. Though some were not as accepting of this, at least they tolerated it.

Our current neighbors seem fine with our nudity and the lack of privacy we now have since trimming that tree and removing the other. The large tree is coming back really well and will provide us the privacy we once had. The tree we took out was adjacent to another tree that will widen and provide the privacy we had with the tree we removed. All in all, the neighbors seem just fine with the fact that we trimmed up the trees and are now a bit more exposed than usual. So much so, they are opening a window that is normally closed.

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

My old house my neighbors were great about my nudity they could see right into my back yard they would wave or yell over hi and it didn't mater if we're the husband or wife our new house I have not tested the waters yeat but soon I think lol

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

I was out on my deck having morning coffee and doing naked yoga, my deck is enclosed so I can't be seen below my waist. the neighbor lady was outside and we talked for maybe 15 minutes and suddenly she asks are you naked? and I said can you see me and she says no, but I have always wondered when I see you on your deck. I said yes I am, I don't wear much clothes when it's warm. She said that's neat, I wish I could do that.

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RE:Being seen by the Neighbors

We have a patio area at the bottom of our garden which is secluded and you can be naked all day. I often walk up and down from the house still naked. I know neighbours have seen me. The guy on one side stopped to chat over the fence once. However, recently his wife was hanging out the bedroom window saying I shouldn't be naked in the garden and she was going to report me. Go on then it's totally legal here. I'm sure she was only leaning out to get a better look.

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