RE:Driving nude

Drove nude for the first time coming home from band rehearsal Monday night.Congratulations.As you have asked from others, tell us what led up to this, how long a drive, how did you feel and now that you have finally done it, will you be doing it again anytime soon?

By the way, I drove over 3 hours on Wednesday, wearing just shorts most of the time. Felt uncomfortable and confined, but much of the driving was on busy highways and I wasn't ready to drive nude in daylight there. Planned to drive home from a meeting nude, but it got too cool.

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RE:Driving nude

By the way, I drove over 3 hours on Wednesday, wearing just shorts most of the time. Felt uncomfortable and confined, but much of the driving was on busy highways and I wasn't ready to drive nude in daylight there. Planned to drive home from a meeting nude, but it got too cool.Have you ever driven completely nude?

Just once in the evening.
Part of the reason I don't drive nude is because I have a convertible and would rather drive with the top off and my shorts on than the other way around. I know some people drive a convertible nude with the top down but I am not that daring.
I do intend to drive nude in the daytime soon when I am driving the minivan alone.

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RE:Driving nude

Just once in the evening.Part of the reason I don't drive nude is because I have a convertible and would rather drive with the top off and my shorts on than the other way around. I know some people drive a convertible nude with the top down but I am not that daring.I do intend to drive nude in the daytime soon when I am driving the minivan alone.Oh wow. So that one time you illegally drove nude was it a better experience than driving with your shorts on?

Definitely felt less confined.

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RE:Driving nude

Oh wow. So that one time you illegally drove nude was it a better experience than driving with your shorts on?
It would not be illegal where I live.

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RE:Driving nude

Oh wow. So that one time you illegally drove nude was it a better experience than driving with your shorts on?It would not be illegal where I live.

And if you are on a lightly traveled country road after dark, there is little chance of getting caught.
Plus I was sitting on a large towel with enough material on my right side to throw over my lap if necessary.

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RE:Driving nude

I have a small car, a full size SUV, and sometimes drive a bus. I don't think from any of these vantage points, I've EVER been able to see the lap of a fellow driver in any vehicle other than on a motorcycle. Even in convertibles it's nearly impossible to see what the drivers are wearing below the belt. If I want to drive nude, I take off my clothes.

Nobody can see. Imagine if they could, what would they do? Crash my car? If truck drivers want to see my crotch, they are welcome. I'm sure they've seen a lot more than just mine, but I'm guessing they'd rather look at the road ahead that see what I'm not wearing. Worse case, if I'm in heavy stop and go traffic, I put on a shirt. Only if you are bare chested will someone think you might not be wearing pants.

Yeah, I used to be worried that I'd get caught. But when I realized how nearly impossible it is to see in, and I quit worrying about it. The end.

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RE:Driving nude

I have a small car, a full size SUV, and sometimes drive a bus. I don't think from any of these vantage points, I've EVER been able to see the lap of a fellow driver in any vehicle other than on a motorcycle. Even in convertibles it's nearly impossible to see what the drivers are wearing below the belt. If I want to drive nude, I take off my clothes.Nobody can see. Imagine if they could, what would they do? Crash my car? If truck drivers want to see my crotch, they are welcome. I'm sure they've seen a lot more than just mine, but I'm guessing they'd rather look at the road ahead that see what I'm not wearing. Worse case, if I'm in heavy stop and go traffic, I put on a shirt. Only if you are bare chested will someone think you might not be wearing pants.Yeah, I used to be worried that I'd get caught. But when I realized how nearly impossible it is to see in, and I quit worrying about it. The end.
I rarely wear a shirt when driving in warm weather, even though I usually wear shorts.
I have driven a few times in a swim brief and since the seat belt covers much of it, people glancing in may think that I am nude.

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RE:Driving nude

Someone on another board posted that he is traveling hundreds of miles to a nudist resort with no clothes in his possession except a hat, sneakers and sandals and staying 8 weeks. His wife is bringing enough clothing to do any off resort errands, but not much more.
He would definitely be in contention for the best example of traveling light, longest time nude, most daring and furthest from his clothes!

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RE:Driving nude

Even in convertibles it's nearly impossible to see what the drivers are wearing below the belt. If I want to drive nude, I take off my clothes....Yeah, I used to be worried that I'd get caught. But when I realized how nearly impossible it is to see in, and I quit worrying about it. The end.

Hmm, never thought about it in those terms. Perhaps i need to be less inhibited! Driving nude and driving roof down may not need be mutually exclusive!

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RE:Driving nude

Even in convertibles it's nearly impossible to see what the drivers are wearing below the belt. If I want to drive nude, I take off my clothes....Yeah, I used to be worried that I'd get caught. But when I realized how nearly impossible it is to see in, and I quit worrying about it. The end.

Probably true for other people in cars, but I would suspect that people in trucks, busses and possibly SUVs and minivans would get the full view.

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