RE:Driving nude

Yes I've driven nude through my neighborhood and while traveling to my property 4.5hrs away it is an awesome feeling

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RE:Driving nude

I enjoy driving naked! In the warm summer months I like to take a drive around our town naked. No one ever seems to notice that I am fully nude since this is a beach resort community and lots of guys drive around with just shorts on. I have taken longer trips (3 or more hours) which included freeway driving, all the while totally nude. I drive a 4x4 SUV that sits pretty high on the road so a trucker or two MAY have seen that I was naked but I am out of the view of MOST other vehicles on the road. The thing is... it is NOT illegal to drive naked in the state of New South Wales, Australia. As long as you remain IN your car and are NOT flaunting your genitals in public, it is perfectly legal to drive naked. I have never been stopped to "test" the issue, but I actually saw an episode on television where a highway patrolman stopped a car for a minor infraction (broken taillight) and the driver was naked. The patrolman gave him a "fix-it" warning ticket and sent him on his way. I always keep a small towel to cover myself with, should I be stopped, but I'm also VERY careful to obey all traffic laws (whether I'm naked or not) to minimize the chances of an encounter with law enforcement. My wife tolerates my nudity an home, although she doesn't participate. Once, on a late night return home from Sydney (about a 4 hour drive) I stripped naked with her in the car with me. She didn't comment at all.

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RE:Driving nude

Yes. Even a high clearance car , such as an SUV, can be seen by truckers. I know from the rumble of his engine trying to catch up.

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RE:Driving nude

I enjoy driving naked! In the warm summer months I like to take a drive around our town naked. No one ever seems to notice that I am fully nude since this is a beach resort community and lots of guys drive around with just shorts on. I have taken longer trips (3 or more hours) which included freeway driving, all the while totally nude. I drive a 4x4 SUV that sits pretty high on the road so a trucker or two MAY have seen that I was naked but I am out of the view of MOST other vehicles on the road. The thing is... it is NOT illegal to drive naked in the state of New South Wales, Australia. As long as you remain IN your car and are NOT flaunting your genitals in public, it is perfectly legal to drive naked. I have never been stopped to "test" the issue, but I actually saw an episode on television where a highway patrolman stopped a car for a minor infraction (broken taillight) and the driver was naked. The patrolman gave him a "fix-it" warning ticket and sent him on his way. I always keep a small towel to cover myself with, should I be stopped, but I'm also VERY careful to obey all traffic laws (whether I'm naked or not) to minimize the chances of an encounter with law enforcement. My wife tolerates my nudity an home, although she doesn't participate. Once, on a late night return home from Sydney (about a 4 hour drive) I stripped naked with her in the car with me. She didn't comment at all.
Legality of driving nude varies by country and state.
Every time I have suggested driving nude when my wife is in the car, she strongly objects, even though she is fine with me being nude much of the time at home.

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RE:Driving nude

Yes. Even a high clearance car , such as an SUV, can be seen by truckers. I know from the rumble of his engine trying to catch up.

When driving down the freeway nude, I have never had any indication from truckers that I have passed, nor from truckers that have passed ME, that they have noticed my nudity. It's quite possible, of course, that they are just not interested in encouraging a nude MAN, driving down the highway. The response might have been different if it had been my WIFE nude behind the wheel. LOL

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RE:Driving nude

Legality of driving nude varies by country and state.
Every time I have suggested driving nude when my wife is in the car, she strongly objects, even though she is fine with me being nude much of the time at home.

Minimalist, you are absolutely correct. Laws regarding driving naked DO, indeed, vary from state to state and country to country. Folks that enjoy driving around in the nude would be well advised to find out what the local statutes have to say about the activity.

It's a shame your wife objects to your driving naked when she is in the car with you. Perhaps being out in public with you, while you're nude, is a bit beyond her comfort zone. My driving nude while my wife was with me last happened quite a few years ago. Like yours, I think she might object these days. I guess "we" can just be grateful the wives tolerate our nudity at home... and do our nude driving at times when we're alone in the car.

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RE:Driving nude

Legality of driving nude varies by country and state.Every time I have suggested driving nude when my wife is in the car, she strongly objects, even though she is fine with me being nude much of the time at home.Minimalist, you are absolutely correct. Laws regarding driving naked DO, indeed, vary from state to state and country to country. Folks that enjoy driving around in the nude would be well advised to find out what the local statutes have to say about the activity.It's a shame your wife objects to your driving naked when she is in the car with you. Perhaps being out in public with you, while you're nude, is a bit beyond her comfort zone. My driving nude while my wife was with me last happened quite a few years ago. Like yours, I think she might object these days. I guess "we" can just be grateful the wives tolerate our nudity at home... and do our nude driving at times when we're alone in the car.

I don't drive nude often because when I am in my convertible, I'd rather have the top off and my shorts on than the other way around. I know some people drive a convertible nude, but I am not that bold.

Two incidents when I offered my wife a deal for me driving nude.

We were driving through the Everglades. My wife asked me to turn off the air conditioner. I told her that if the air conditioner came off, so would my shorts. She put on a sweater.

We were driving on the overseas highway to Key West with the top down. She said that the wind was bothering her so would I put the top on. I told her that if the top went on the shorts came off. She put up with the breeze.

One where I tried to take advantage of her misstatement. I had been driving most of the day. After our last scenic stop, she offered to drive. Since we were anxious to get back to the hotel, I said "I will take my shirt off, buckle up, and take off my shoes and socks while you are driving." She said "You can take everything off before I start." I took off my shirt, shoes and socks, unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned the waistband of my shorts. She said "That is not what I meant". I replied "But it is what you said." I buttoned my shorts and left them on anyway,

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RE:Driving nude

Legality of driving nude varies by country and state.Every time I have suggested driving nude when my wife is in the car, she strongly objects, even though she is fine with me being nude much of the time at home.Minimalist, you are absolutely correct. Laws regarding driving naked DO, indeed, vary from state to state and country to country. Folks that enjoy driving around in the nude would be well advised to find out what the local statutes have to say about the activity.It's a shame your wife objects to your driving naked when she is in the car with you. Perhaps being out in public with you, while you're nude, is a bit beyond her comfort zone. My driving nude while my wife was with me last happened quite a few years ago. Like yours, I think she might object these days. I guess "we" can just be grateful the wives tolerate our nudity at home... and do our nude driving at times when we're alone in the car.I don't drive nude often because when I am in my convertible, I'd rather have the top off and my shorts on than the other way around. I know some people drive a convertible nude, but I am not that bold.Two incidents when I offered my wife a deal for me driving nude.We were driving through the Everglades. My wife asked me to turn off the air conditioner. I told her that if the air conditioner came off, so would my shorts. She put on a sweater.We were driving on the overseas highway to Key West with the top down. She said that the wind was bothering her so would I put the top on. I told her that if the top went on the shorts came off. She put up with the breeze.One where I tried to take advantage of her misstatement. I had been driving most of the day. After our last scenic stop, she offered to drive. Since we were anxious to get back to the hotel, I said "I will take my shirt off, buckle up, and take off my shoes and socks while you are driving." She said "You can take everything off before I start." I took off my shirt, shoes and socks, unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned the waistband of my shorts. She said "That is not what I meant". I replied "But it is what you said." I buttoned my shorts and left them on anyway,

One I forgot. My wife used to complain when I drove barefoot. One time I said I would be willing to leave my sandals on if I took my shorts off. That stopped the complaints about me driving barefoot.

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