wooden chair on a hot day is not a good combo.

At a naked camp out, we were sitting around chatting and I was sitting in a very comfortable, but old chair which had spaces between the wooden slats. Someone had invited me over and I did not have my towel (which is always polite at nude events), but they said not to worry about it. We sat and chatting or a long time and I did not notice that my balls had slipped between two of the slats. When I went to stand up, I brought the chair up with me a few inches. When I got untangled from the chair I proceeded to throw up from the pain. It was not a pretty picture. Moral of this story: Always sit on a towel, even when the host says its okay not to.

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RE:wooden chair on a hot day is not a good combo.

WOW! Great story, albeit a painful one!

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RE:wooden chair on a hot day is not a good combo.

Wow I can see it now ! Be glad no dogs or cats around to swipe at the new toy to play with. lol. But its always a good idea to have a towel or learn to pull the jewels up and cross your legs.

You do know that they will have a story to tell from now on. But what a great idea for future things to do.
IHere sit down in this chair, really its okay. lol

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RE:wooden chair on a hot day is not a good combo.

OMG!!!! not good not good.

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