Tything Barn visit this week - 8th Aug

I'll be heading down to Tything Barn for an overnight stay this week to take adavantage of this great weather. Not sure which day yet - depends when I can best escape work. Let me know if you have any similar plans; will be great to meet up.

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RE:Tything Barn visit this week - 8th Aug

So I'll now be in Tything Barn tomorrow (Monday 8th Aug) all day and will return home on Tuesday. Really looking forward to getting naked and going for some long walks and swims. Shout me up if you're going too and we'll do naked beers and bbq in the evening.

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RE:Tything Barn visit this week - 8th Aug

It's absolutely gorgeous here. I arrived early this morning and, after pitching my tent, I went for long naked walk followed by a swim in the pond. Damn, it feels so right to be naked!

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RE:Tything Barn visit this week - 8th Aug

Damn, I finally had to pack up and come home today. It was awesome being completely naked for the whole time I was there - no clothes, no jewellry and no shoes. The place is amazing and the weather was superb. Really looking forward to my next visit.

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