Fox news recruits a 12 yo to be fair and balanced

Classic propaganda, I bet Bruce records it for his kids
OK I found the link for what I was watching when I wrote this

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RE: Foz news recruits a 12 yo to be fair and balanced

Classic propaganda, I bet Bruce records it for his kids lol.
Tonybooth; You lost me here. What are you trying to say? While you're at it, could you go back to your original post and correct the spelling? You really don't need a spell checker to figure out how to spell Fox.

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RE: Foz news recruits a 12 yo to be fair and balanced

Maybe Foz is the Aussie division of Fox (Fox Oz). ;-)
You guessed it, well view the unedited video, O'Reilly admits he was wrong on Iraq, Bush's waste etc, interesting.
Actually we have Sky news which they don't use here although they broadcast it, Bruce look at mins 16 - 21 and you will see you are wrong, inaccuarate. Stewart draws laughs from the guys on the floor and even BoR likes him, he is going soft lol.
He also destroys the socialist nonsense, you guys need a new political lexicon its so inaccurate, but BoR's last part is perhaps the most interesting, I suspect you should partion the country and move all the right wingers to the centre and keep the coast for the liberals, it could be like India and Pakistan
Have fun...................btw NudeinMa has it warmed up ther yet we had 20c here today was lovely?

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Fox news recruits a 12 yo to be fair and balanced
Financed by big Oil and climate change deniers.
The Sarah Scaife Foundation is financed by the Mellon industrial, oil,
and banking fortune. At one time, its largest single holding was stock
in the Gulf Oil Corporation. The foundation became active in funding
conservative causes in 1973, when Richard Mellon Scaife became chairman.
Forbes magazine has estimated Scaife's personal net worth at $800
million, making him the 138th richest person in the U.S. He controls the
Scaife, Carthage, and Allegheny foundations. In 1993, Scaife and
Carthage reportedly gave more than $17.6 million to 150 conservative
think tanks. As of December 31, 1992, Scaife assets were $212,232,888
and Carthage assets were $11,937,862.
just buy another opinion, fine Bruce with Murdoch he simply owns the whole thing, no wonder his poor old mother is constantly embarassed.

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RE: Foz news recruits a 12 yo to be fair and balanced

Bullshit... get off the kool-aid

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RE: Foz news recruits a 12 yo to be fair and balanced - un newsworthy

Well the President looks more presidential everyday and what does Fox do, no commentary no mention of the speech given to a joint sitting of parliament, instead a couple of minutes to mock a toast given to bettty windsor when they started playing the national anthem, how pathetic, Bruce you have no defence for this disgrace and incompetence. Totally inept and that insane Hannity "interviewing" the guy who wrote a book against Palin, he uses all the tricks you accuse Liberals of. Again biased unbalanced and in his case unhinged even BoR finds him ridiculous and replusive.

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RE: Foz news recruits a 12 yo to be fair and balanced

Classic propaganda, I bet Bruce records it for his kids lol.
Tonybooth; You lost me here. What are you trying to say? While you're at it, could you go back to your original post and correct the spelling? You really don't need a spell checker to figure out how to spell Fox.

Desert Rat, On my computer at the heading it says FOX. Perhaps he started another posting and I missed it.

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RE: Foz news recruits a 12 yo to be fair and balanced - un newsworthy

Well the President looks more presidential everyday and what does Fox do, no commentary no mention of the speech given to a joint sitting of parliament, instead a couple of minutes to mock a toast given to bettty windsor when they started playing the national anthem, how pathetic, Bruce you have no defence for this disgrace and incompetence. Totally inept and that insane Hannity "interviewing" the guy who wrote a book against Palin, he uses all the tricks you accuse Liberals of. Again biased unbalanced and in his case unhinged even BoR finds him ridiculous and replusive.

Obama is way out of his class. His friends are thugs, preachers who preach hate, Black Panthers who yell kill white people. The Queen is in a different crowd of people than he is.
What person keeps records of another person for years unless it is to make money off that person later. Hannity asked him if he was going to make money off of the book and the guy did not want to answer, but said yes. Hannity feels he should give the money to charity since he did not write the book for money. The author of the book is a scumbag who wants to make a lot of money at someone else expense.

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RE: Foz news recruits a 12 yo to be fair and balanced - un newsworthy

Well the President looks more presidential everyday and what does Fox do, no commentary no mention of the speech given to a joint sitting of parliament, instead a couple of minutes to mock a toast given to bettty windsor when they started playing the national anthem, how pathetic, Bruce you have no defence for this disgrace and incompetence. Totally inept and that insane Hannity "interviewing" the guy who wrote a book against Palin, he uses all the tricks you accuse Liberals of. Again biased unbalanced and in his case unhinged even BoR finds him ridiculous and replusive.

Obama is way out of his class. His friends are thugs, preachers who preach hate, Black Panthers who yell kill white people. The Queen is in a different crowd of people than he is.
What person keeps records of another person for years unless it is to make money off that person later. Hannity asked him if he was going to make money off of the book and the guy did not want to answer, but said yes. Hannity feels he should give the money to charity since he did not write the book for money. The author of the book is a scumbag who wants to make a lot of money at someone else expense.
Hannity is the scumbag and beneath contempt as he just hectored the guy gave him no chance to answer and of course he will never ask Sarah Palin proper journalistic questions because he is incapable of doing so. So you have no interest in knowing what an insider can reveal of this charade of a woman? Typical and people outside the US wonder why your country is so bitterly divided.
Bill O'reilly makes it clear that they are in it to make money and that is far enough, just be honest and admit that is the ethos for the whole rotten movement, just because you are naive doesn't mean that you can't keep your faith but open your mind to the possibility she is no saint and deserves greater scrutiny.

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RE: Foz news recruits a 12 yo to be fair and balanced

Hello Bruce. You sound very intelligent and articulate and I like your passion (I am not saying I agree - or disagree - I am just saying you sound very authoriative on the things of which you speak). So having said that, could you please look at removing LOL from your reportage? Any time I hear that I expect the next words to be "so, I totally, like, went to the mall and got this real awesome, like, up-do". It doesn't help your hard worked for credibility. - I hope I didn't spell anything wrong

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RE: Foz news recruits a 12 yo to be fair and balanced - un newsworthy

Sorry I couldn't resist this:- Why did he have to be so obvious as to rent the house next door? Why didn't he just rent a place in Russia? Because you know "You can see ........... "

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