Rules in Germany

I am thinking on taking a vacation in Germany in september, and already selected a hotel in a small town.
I was wondering about the rules about nudism in Germany. I have read online that Germany is very liberal around nudity, and there are nudist area's in parks in cities like Berlin and Mnchen. My trip won't take me there, but for other places, I have these questions;

1. I found several mentions online stating that it is legal in Germany to drive a car naked, as long as you put something on when you step out on for example a public carpark.
The idea (also stated with the "naked driving is legal in Germany" mentions online) seems to be that you can be naked on any private property, regardless of others being able to see you, and your car counts as private property.
Does anyone have any experience with this?

2. If we stop at a quiet area in nature... Is it okay to just take a walk naked outside? How do people react if they see you (note; I won't be alone, probably with my wife, as the trip will be our honeymoon. She might want to stay dressed herself though)? Online I find a lot of references to "FKK", and a relaxed attitude of German people, but I could not find any direct experiences related to my question.

Obviously I won't be walking naked in the middle of the town, but perhaps a naked walk and picknick somewhere in nature?

3. Any other naked (public) experiences in Germany you'd like to share, that might give some more insight?

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RE:Rules in Germany

Hallo Sjoerd. Misschien helpt deze link.

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RE:Rules in Germany

Hallo Sjoerd. Misschien helpt deze link.

That's a pretty good article, as far as I can see from the translation. I think it would be wise to make contact with a naturist in each area you plan to visit, so that they can point out areas where nudity is tolerated.

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RE:Rules in Germany

it has been my experience when traveling to germany that many hotels have pools and saunas. while the pools require swim attire, the saunas are generally supposed to be used nude, although some people do wear swim suits (these people are generally americans). check with your hotel regarding pools and saunas.

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RE:Rules in Germany

I'll be staying at Bad Laasphe... Are there any good outside places where you can be naked out there?
I see on the map there is a small lake nearby ("Perfstausee", at Breidenbach); Is there a part of it where nude swimming (FKK) is allowed?

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RE:Rules in Germany

Take a hotel with a sauna, you can do nudism there. Everybody does it. If they have a pool you can do naked swimming, just ask the other visitors if it is ok for them to swim naked, most pools are clothing optional in hotels. The nudist camp in this area I would recommend to visit is the FSG Siegen. It is a camping place open to everybody (no INF membership necessary). If you have no tent or camper you can rent a mobile home. See more on I do not see that nudism is allowed at the Perfstausee.

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RE:Rules in Germany

Driving naked in Germany is pretty similar to what you have in the US. Fun fact: if you are driving just with bare feet and you are getting into a car crash you can be fined for it. Driving naked is the same as to be naked in public. Anyone who is naked in public must always expect to be charged with harassment of the general public according to Section 118 of the Administrative Offenses Act (OWiG). The fine for this is between 5 - 1000 EUR.

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RE:Rules in Germany

Driving naked is the same as to be naked in public.

Many websites claim that is not the case in Germany; the claim is that being naked while driving a car is legal, as you can be naked on any private area, and your car is seen as a private area. So I was looking for experiences from people who have actually done it.

Anyone who is naked in public must always expect to be charged with harassment of the general public according to Section 118 of the Administrative Offenses Act (OWiG). The fine for this is between 5 - 1000 EUR.

I just looked up "OWiG 118" using Google. I found the following:
(1) Ordnungswidrig handelt, wer eine grob ungehrige Handlung vornimmt, die geeignet ist, die Allgemeinheit zu belstigen oder zu gefhrden und die ffentliche Ordnung zu beeintrchtigen.(2) Die Ordnungswidrigkeit kann mit einer Geldbue geahndet werden, wenn die Handlung nicht nach anderen Vorschriften geahndet werden kann.

Point two says you can get a fine if there is no other solution possible.
Point one translated:
"An administrative offense is committed by anyone who undertakes a grossly improper act that is likely to annoy or endanger the general public and to impair public order."

Based on this, my thinking goes as follows; as there are many sources that say Germany is pretty liberal about nudity (as in "just not wearing clothes").... Then this article should not refer to simpley being naked. After all, that can really not be seen as "a grossly improper act".

I have also recently found a website called "", talking about this. There you can find (among other things) the following text:

In den Westflische Nachrichten uersten sich 2018 der Polizeisprecher von Mnster und der Chef des Brgerordnungs-Amts der Gemeinde Senden zum nackten Wandern: Nacktwandern ist keine Belstigung und nicht zu verfolgen - jedenfalls, solange es beim nackten Wandern bleibt.Tatschlich haben sich die Beamten nur zum Nacktwandern geuert - danach wurden sie ja auch befragt. Aber ob man nun wandert, joggt, Nordic walking macht, mit Skateboard oder Inlinern unterwegs ist - natrlich kann dann auch keine dieser Bettigungen verboten oder zu verfolgen sein, solange es beim Bewegen in der Natur bleibt, d. h. solange man keine Ordnungswidrigkeit oder Straftat begeht, etwa durch sexuelle Handlungen in der ffentlichkeit. Und so etwas tun wir genau nicht!

Translated (using Google Translate):
In the "Westflische Nachrichten" in 2018, the police spokesman for Mnster and the head of the Brgerordnungs-Amt for the community of Senden commented on naked hiking: "Naked hiking is not a nuisance and should not be prosecuted - at least as long as it is naked hiking."In fact, the officials only commented on hiking naked - after all, they were also questioned. But whether you're hiking, jogging, Nordic walking, skateboarding or inline skating - of course none of these activities can be forbidden or to be pursued, as long as you keep moving in nature, i. H. as long as you do not commit an administrative offense or criminal offense, such as sexual acts in public. And that's exactly what we don't do!

So, based on this, the conclusion seems to be; naked in nature should not be a problem. Just don't do anything sexual.
And common sense; try to avoid busy area's.

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RE:Rules in Germany

Part of the problem is that many confuse being naked in public or public nudity with naturism and social nudity in a naturist context.

I think you have gotten good information direct from knowledgeable sources that you are wise to heed while remembering that not everything on the internet is accurate and some sources are more credible than others. If you are looking to have positive naturist experience beyond getting naked in public you may want to use the German Naturist Federation web site as a resource.

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