Nudity/being naked in the greater Seattle are

This is a subject I had always wanted to know, but never got a clear answer to......until early this morning :)

Long story short, at 4am this morning, I got stopped by the local police during my early morning naked walk, while crossing a main public intersection, wearing just a hat and my flip flops. This scenario played out for about 20 to 30 minutes, and started with 1 cop car and 1 cop, and finished with 6 or 7 cars and about 10 cops lol!! Here I am standing on the sidewalk with all this activity, completely naked!! It was quite the show lol! They followed the law enforcement routine, and since I had no warrants and nothing legally outstanding against me...........they let me go!!

While they were waiting for dispatch to return with the legal inquiries, I asked if it was against the law to be naked. I told them I was a nudist and that I figured that an early morning naked walk would minimize any indecency and as well there would be no one around to be offended, and they all honestly agreed(though still surprised that someone would actually be walking around in public, completely naked). They told me the law regarding public nudity was a grey area. They can do nothing unless someone reports it!! That's right, read that again. Someone has to report it, and that reporting cannot be by a policeman, it has to be reported by another person!! You may have to suffer through the scenario I did, them verifying no outstanding legal issues, but if that is cool, then just being naked isn't illegal.

Stay naked my friends :)

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RE:Nudity/being naked in the greater Seattle are

With all the other shit going on in the Seattle area and a naked guy WALKING gets a major SPD response.dont get me wrong, I appreciate law enforcement when I need it but priorities! Especially when Seattle laws allow public nudity unless its an obscene exposure.

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RE:Nudity/being naked in the greater Seattle are

With all the other shit going on in the Seattle area and a naked guy WALKING gets a major SPD response.dont get me wrong, I appreciate law enforcement when I need it but priorities! Especially when Seattle laws allow public nudity unless its an obscene exposure.

The naked guy isn't likely to pull a gun and start shooting. Why deal with real (dangerous) crime when the politicians and media don't support you and are likely to throw you under the bus if things go sideways. This was an easy and safe encounter. You want the police to do their job and go after real crime? Start supporting them. Stop electing the bum ultra liberal restorative justice politicians that are letting dangerous career criminals back out on the street with zero dollar bail before the paperwork is even completed.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:Nudity/being naked in the greater Seattle are

With all the other shit going on in the Seattle area and a naked guy WALKING gets a major SPD response.dont get me wrong, I appreciate law enforcement when I need it but priorities! Especially when Seattle laws allow public nudity unless its an obscene exposure.

They did say that typically a naked guy walking around at that time of the morning usually has further implications, and that is a fair point. So I just let the process work itself out. I honestly was rather amused at what took place, I wasn't afraid or intimidated at all, It was pretty funny honestly

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RE:Nudity/being naked in the greater Seattle are

Damn, dude - you Rock! I totally know what the law is but completely foresaw that scenario and would have hated for that to happen to me. And that is why I have never risked it.

As much as cops are needed in the Seattle metro these days to combat the growing lawlessness (mainly caused by homeless) throughout, NONE of these cops should be going after innocent citizens/residents, who work for a living, such as yourself. SHAME on the cop(s) who stopped you, wanting to start shit and scare you. And meanwhile some homeless heroin addict breaks into my truck or some other meth addict steals the catalytic converter on my other car. Shame on me for not being broke and owning two cars!! (Did I mention that I think Seattle's government/City Council is full of shit!)

The only thing that gives me hope for Seattle is that no one messes with the two clothing optional beaches on the Seattle side of Lake Washington. Once that goes, this City has no hope!! I have spoken.

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RE:Nudity/being naked in the greater Seattle are

Thats great they totally let you go! Proof that if you keep a cool head (no pun intended) that things will work out.
Could you please expand more on how the conversation about its legality played out? As I understand it, simple nudity is legal unless youre doing some lewd or indecent. I found it interesting that they told you unless someone else reports it. Think that was pretty vague on their part. I always wanted to just find a quiet place off the the side on one of the many beaches and enjoy the sun all over.

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RE:Nudity/being naked in the greater Seattle are

AY-mazing how fast this topic went political. I know the Seattle area is known to be typically liberal, and as such, more tolerant of people's freedom to do as they please. But if you were a man with more melanin, I believe this scenario might've gone south like a rocket sled on steroids. Try this in other parts of the country and enjoy becoming fertilizer fast.

Since nothing bad happened besides your walk ending up being a lot longer than usual without the added exercise, so what do you say - let's bring some humor back into this topic. This happened at four in the morning, well before the doughnut shops have opened there doors, so what else was there for all those police to be doing? Stereotype much??

"Sir, you're walking down the street naked in the middle of the night. Have you been drinking?"

"Why no sir, I'm only enjoying the lovely weather we're having. But I see you're eyes look a little glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts?"

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RE:Nudity/being naked in the greater Seattle are

I gotta ask, though.... Your photos are all of you wearing a cock ring. We're you wearing it on your walk?

Yes I was! One of the cops asked me what that thing around my penis was, so I told him lol.

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RE:Nudity/being naked in the greater Seattle are

Could you please expand more on how the conversation about its legality played out? As I understand it, simple nudity is legal unless youre doing some lewd or indecent.

Not much to expand on from what I said. The one cop that was answering my legality question also stated that "it's a grey area". To me it says that if you are "caught naked" that is not illegal on it's own. That line is crossed if it is reported by "somebody", at that point you can be written up. But between the time it is reported and when/if the police show up, could be awhile, lol. So if ur just out walking in the buff alone, that's not lewd/obscene/ or indecent.

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RE:Nudity/being naked in the greater Seattle are

Since nothing bad happened besides your walk ending up being a lot longer than usual without the added exercise, so what do you say - let's bring some humor back into this topic. This happened at four in the morning, well before the doughnut shops have opened there doors, so what else was there for all those police to be doing? Stereotype much??

I would say while no physical exercise was added, I am sure the heart rate had a few jumps. And burned a few more calories than a normal stroll at 4am.

Dan, do you stroll when snow is out?

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RE:Nudity/being naked in the greater Seattle are

Sounds like someone who didn't know the law reported you. That sucks.

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