RE:Where to start?

I live on a busy street. May want to wait for a quieter place to get naked.

If you are parked in your driveway, most people driving by are not there long enough to have time to consider what you may be doing. It seems tp me you may be over thinking this a bit. Just get in, start it up, adjust the A/C and radio, strip off, buckle up, check the rear view mirrors and go for a drive. Lot's of people spend a little time getting things set before starting to move. However, if you drive off down the road and stop somewhere else to undress you may draw the attention of someone just looking out the window of a building who then watches to see what you are up to. So just get comfortable in your driveway before heading out.

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RE:Where to start?

I've driven naked in the middle of the day in the city on my way to the nude beach and no one event notices!

I would like to try that!

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RE:Where to start?

I live on a busy street. May want to wait for a quieter place to get naked.If you are parked in your driveway, most people driving by are not there long enough to have time to consider what you may be doing. It seems tp me you may be over thinking this a bit. Just get in, start it up, adjust the A/C and radio, strip off, buckle up, check the rear view mirrors and go for a drive. Lot's of people spend a little time getting things set before starting to move. However, if you drive off down the road and stop somewhere else to undress you may draw the attention of someone just looking out the window of a building who then watches to see what you are up to. So just get comfortable in your driveway before heading out.

Probably would be OK as long as the high school across the street was not changing ckasses.

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RE:Where to start?

I live on a busy street. May want to wait for a quieter place to get naked.If you are parked in your driveway, most people driving by are not there long enough to have time to consider what you may be doing. It seems tp me you may be over thinking this a bit. Just get in, start it up, adjust the A/C and radio, strip off, buckle up, check the rear view mirrors and go for a drive. Lot's of people spend a little time getting things set before starting to move. However, if you drive off down the road and stop somewhere else to undress you may draw the attention of someone just looking out the window of a building who then watches to see what you are up to. So just get comfortable in your driveway before heading out.
Probably would be OK as long as there is no one outside in front of the High school across the street from my house.

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RE:Where to start?

High schoolers between classes are not concerned with what the old guy across the street is doing in his car. They are either talking with friends or diddling with their phones. They won't even notice you are in the suv.

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RE:Where to start?

If I go somewhere where clothes are needed, they are on the back seat
I leave in shorts, shirt, and flops. I then go to quickie mart for snack and gas if needed. When done in store the shirt comes back off. By the time I get to the corner signal the shorts are off and on the seat next The ride goes through town, highways, and freeways. Knowingly noticed only once by a truck as all lanes were at a creep. Dependsing on the surrounding area, I can put shorts on as I get out or off as I get in the car in many parking areas.
If you take time to observe others you will find almost all do not see even if they look around.

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