RE:Caught by mailman

A couple of years ago I was in my garage naked when I turned around and saw a mail truck parked in front of my truck. About a second or two later, I was shocked to see a mail lady walking towards me with a package. From my position, the only thing I felt I could do to keep her from seeing my nudity was to walk towards her and keep the truck between us. It would have been obvious that I was topless but that wouldn't have been a problem. My issue came up when she attempted to walk around the truck to hand me the package and get me to sign for it. As she got almost to the rear corner, I said excuse me, you might want to stop right there unless you are okay with nudity. She stopped and said why, are you naked? I said yes I am. She said well let me stop right here and I'll put this box on the ground. We laughed and she handed me the clipboard over the top of my truck bed. I signed it, she thanked me, told me to have a good day and left.

There were a couple of things that made this so unexpected. First of all, it was a Sunday and we had never received mail on a Sunday as far as I knew. Second of all, I have a motion detector placed near the road that is supposed to ring in my garage when it detects motion. This time it did nothing!

There have been about 3 other times when I was either in my back yard or garage when someone delivered a package at my garage door and I didn't notice the package until they were either driving away or completely gone. Although I haven't had any issues, I wonder excactly how much they have seen and what they have told people.

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