Fellow hairy non deodorant user
Hey men! My partner and myself have stopped using deodorant except when absolutely necessary, formal event etc. for almost a year now. We love clean musky man smell but also the fact that we dont have to buy deodorant so much and in turn are saving money. Both of us have quite a bit of pit hair but shower and wash them daily.
contrary to what people think, most deodorants are actually bad for the body as they contain ingredients that likely cause irritation, etc. Believe it or not, its a natural response for the body to sweat out toxins but when we apply deodorants we are blocking this natural process from occuring. There are some groups of people that don't wear it at all.
I live alone in a rural area so I'm naked 24/7, inside and out. I have very little pit hair but I don't use deodorant unless I'm getting dressed to go somewhere. I actually enjoy a male musk smell which is why I'll go a few days without washing under my foreskin.
My father only took a shower once a week. I never thought he smelled badly -- just smelled like my dad. I'm pretty tolerant of male body odor. And it's not because I have a poor sense of smell -- I've only met one person who seemed to have a better sense of smell than I do -- who could smell something before I did.
I only use deodorant (unscented) if I'm really getting dressed up to go some place fairly important -- which, essentially, never happens.
My father only took a shower once a week. I never thought he smelled badly -- just smelled like my dad. I'm pretty tolerant of male body odor. And it's not because I have a poor sense of smell -- I've only met one person who seemed to have a better sense of smell than I do -- who could smell something before I did.I only use deodorant (unscented) if I'm really getting dressed up to go some place fairly important -- which, essentially, never happens.
Daily showers are very bad for you. They rid you of healthy bacteria and breaks down the skin faster than can be replenished. I read an article by a dermatologist suggesting shower maybe twice per week.
I'm on of those individuals that I just never had body order. I can't recall the last time I smelled order in my arm pits. Most think I shave there also but it's all natural, very few hairs. So I usually can tell those that use deodarant as I call smell it on them.
I have a skin issue, so when I shower I use a "sensitive skin" soap. And because of my skin issue, I don't use deodorant. My dermatologist thinks it might be related to one of my blood pressure meds. We're checking it out. But that's OK because I happen to enjoy my own armpit "essence". When I lived in Palm Springs, there was a rather sizable sub-culture of deodorant-free gay men.