Like John, I've had no after-effects from the 3 I've had. There's nothing left to leak. While I don't particularly enjoy the prep, the anesthesia at least provides a good nap. It's really not a big deal. Even when I had polyps removed and samples taken, I felt nothing afterward.
I've had three colonoscopies. There's nothing in your colon to leak.
Anesthesia is entirely unnecessary at least 99.999% of the time.
If you refuse sedation, then when it's over, you just get dressed and go on about your day. If you are sedated, you have to remain there for at least two hours, have someone drive you home, and you can't drive or operate other equipment for 24 hours. All for a 20-minute minor procedure.
The scope is about as big around as your little finger.
Like John, I've had no after-effects from the 3 I've had. There's nothing left to leak. While I don't particularly enjoy the prep, the anesthesia at least provides a good nap. It's really not a big deal. Even when I had polyps removed and samples taken, I felt nothing afterward.
I didn't get any anesthesia.
Military (Tricare) is cheap that way. Didn't really need it. While it was a bit uncomfortable, there was no pain.
John aka cobeachbum
I've had three of these fun filled procedures. The procedure itself is a big nothing, but the prep the day before is the worst part. I hate jello now.
Like previously said, keep close to the throne. Once you ingest the colon-blow, get ready... I think I pooped out my liver and a lung at some point.
I have experienced several colonoscopies in the past. Just never without wearing underwear. My question should have been if you drink something before eating anything, I have experienced a little leakage. Has anyone ever has this problem and if so how do you handle it?
I experienced no leakage.I have experienced several colonoscopies in the past. Just never without wearing underwear. My question should have been if you drink something before eating anything, I have experienced a little leakage. Has anyone ever has this problem and if so how do you handle it?
The first bowel movement post-colonoscopy was pretty much normal.
Is it bad that in some ways I'm looking forward to my next one? After my latest Crohns flare I want to know what's going on up there. I've reached a new normal, and am curious as to why it's different than before. Prep sucks, but the drugs are good. I don't remember, but I hear that I'm rather funny when I'm sedated(per my wife).