Welcome new members!

So nice to have so many new members of this group - Welcome!

Would be wonderful to see the diversity of members reflected in our media gallery.

Who's here? What is the group's collective identity I wonder? What are people noticing about the similarity between those of us drawn to a discussion like this?

Would love to see pics of more of you, especially couples and women.

Nude hugs to all
S x

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RE:Welcome new members!

I started hanging naked in my room when I was 11. I now live in a rural area with no close neighbors so I'm naked 24/7, inside and out. I've gone weeks without putting anything on. I have several tattoos (including my penis) as well as some genital piercings. I normally keep my body smooth and I'm happy to show my decorated body off at nudist venues and parties.

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RE:Welcome new members!

Love the post!
What a way to welcome everyone!!!
Love the community!
Be Free! Be Nude!!

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RE:Welcome new members!

I like the privacy you created by not allowing anyone but group members to see the discussion or media. It gives us members a feeling of security to be ourselves in discussion and post photos.

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RE:Welcome new members!

its really great to find ones inner self, but i think i lost my way

A couple of times in my life I have thought that I had lost my way also. That really wasn't true. The truth was that "my way" was taking a turn that I didn't anticipate and didn't understand. Once I quit fighting the change and embraced it my life inevitably changed for the better. The way has not always been easy or obvious but it has brought me to where I am today and on the whole I am happy with that. Today, my inner self is not at all like I thought it was 50 years ago. We all evolve, hopefully, into increasingly better versions of ourselves.

If you haven't read, or have forgotten, the poem "The Chambered Nautilus" by Oliver Wendell Holmes I suggest that you read or review.

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