Against the trend, my drive was noticed

Usually when driving my sedan with the windows down, everyone else, whether on the road or walking on the footpath (sidewalk) seems oblivious. Not today. I think I attracted attention twice!

The first was a case of them noticing but not necessarily seeing anything much. As I was leaving the side road to Sunnyside, I got a beep and a wave from a passing light truck with a couple of young tradies aboard. Maybe it was me being shirtless (at least) or they just figured where I was coming from, or both together. I was able to wave back as they turned off the highway later.

The second was on a freeway off-ramp where, unusually, the front seat passenger in a lifted Toyota Hilux looked my way as we approached the red light. I did my usual trick of stopping short compared to them and realised there was also a passenger in the back seat and he must have noticed first and told his mate in front.

Usually I'm confident my drive leaves others none-the-wider. Not so, today!

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RE:Against the trend, my drive was noticed

Great way to get out there. We have had a car also. We would stop short also. Its more fun not having to cover up at lights.
But its so much easier now with a pickup truck. The only ones now are truck drivers. They need to see other things on the road. Lol

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