RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

I think a simple remark along the lines of "I'm glad to see that somebody else isn't squeamish about being nude" would not be too out of line.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Nudistpig, you're saying that social nudity makes the group stronger and more cohesive and reduces conflict. In all social primates. This is a "primate" form and very natural and all inclusive means of homosociality. It makes sense to make this natural way of socializing becomes forbidden in favor of creating fear and rifts between people.
What you write, however, makes me realize that this rift is perhaps not an unfortunate consequence but rather an intention from the start. That's what makes a solo naked man so threatening in a locker room. It's not that he's necessarily and imposing beast or a creepy sexual deviant. Rather, he's voting with his pants how to stand up to having others control him. Yes, we need more of that iconoclastic vitality.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Question should be .....WHY?......Not just follow "their" simple rules?
Why would you go out of your way, to leave the Shower Curtains "Open" in the First place?
Im sure, that they would Love to have the water stay in the shower stall, as opposed to flowing freely all over the Locker Room.
I think that we can all see, where this could be going.....and that is, that there are Guys out there, who are just as likely and even more be leaving the curtains wide open, in order to put on a Show, for another Male..... Who just might be looking for that sort of Fun.
Same holds true for the Sauna or Steam Room........Having Males in there.....Hoping tp attract other Males for some the sole reason, that they are trying to put those NEW RULES in place.
I am sure, that even a Blind Man can see......where .....the "CUM" plaints.....are probably "CUM" ing from.
It just takes one or two, FUN wreck it, for everyone else.
Just because you Label yourself a Nudist, does not entitle you or them, to any Special treatment.
The Good suffer for the Bad.
You even mentioning to the Trainer, that guys are closing the Curtains so that they can Jerk Off behind a really really weird thing to say to anyone, or ever think.
And if they are......WHO CARES, what goes on behind a Closed shower curtain, or a Closed door!?
It sounds as if you are at the Wrong type of Gym, for your own likes and dislikes.
You might be a lot better off, either just Following their very simple RULES, or spending your Time at an All Male "Gay" Steam Bath.
I am sure, that you can do what ever you are wanting to do, in their Showers or their Steam Rooms / Sauna's.
Find something else or another place, that works for "YOU"!
Pretty simple Fix.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

It's the way it should be.Once again, this morning, he came back to the aisle from showering and he was naked and carrying his towel. When he got to the aisle, after unlocking and opening his locker, he dried off some more, including his hair, a lot of bending over and penis moving around as he dried off, and he remained naked the whole time. When he was satisfied, he put the towel on the bench until he left.He then sneezed and walked over to the sink to get a tissue and blow his nose and back, still naked, and walked back without saying anything.We said nothing. I think he is getting used to being naked in the locker room and no one saying anything or seeming to notice.When I belonged to a men's athletic club in the 80s, most of the guys had no problem standing at a sink and shaving while nude or brushing their teeth or blow dry their hair or whatever. Men stood nude at the urinal to piss or they pissed while while taking a shower. No one wrapped up in a towel. The showers were in an open bay. Men weighed themselves while nude. The pool, hot tub, sauna, and steam room were all clothing-optional and few men even carried a towel with them in that area.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Similar experience in a holiday resort camp, not a gym, but a good outcome nevertheless. Whilst participating in a swim at a famous holiday camp in the UK, where there is no segregation of the sexes in the changing rooms, just unisex cubicles, I had this experience. My friend (female) and I on returning from the swim, found that all the cubicles were occupied. Therefore, we had no choice, after coming out of the shower, to dry off and dress in the areas available around the outside of the lockers, as other people were doing. Most of those doing so, were not paying particular attention to what they might be showing or maybe could see. No jobs worth around to complain, just people excepting it as natural. Many times I have been to various swimming baths, where we are segregated by sex, and no end of men will come out of the shower, after a swim naked., and remain in that state till they dry. No big deal. If most people were to have the mindset that the naked body is not a ghastly thing to see, such as the Germans and Swedish folk, then the world would be a different place altogether.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

It's a sexual perversion.If most people were to have the mindset that the naked body is not a ghastly thing to see, such as the Germans and Swedish folk, then the world would be a different place altogether.If someone is unable to view a human body in it's natural condition without becoming sexually aroused, that person suffers from a sexual perversion. Essentially all textiles freely admit to this sexual perversion.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

You have forgotten your homework assignment.You just made that up.Be positive and affirming. Ask questions to gain a better understanding. The world is not black and white.

When you think you might disagree with someone, do not assume that your assessment of the situation is correct. History makes it clear that, in your case, it essentially never is.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

You have forgotten your homework assignment.I believe in the scientific principal. That is black and white.You just dont make shit up to suit what you believe.Be positive and affirming. Ask questions to gain a better understanding. The world is not black and white.

When you think you might disagree with someone, do not assume that your assessment of the situation is correct. History makes it clear that, in your case, it essentially never is.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

Georgie didn't write them bill of rights, Tommy did and he, Ben and several other founding fathers took "air baths" regularly.

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RE:Disagreeable Experience at the Gym Today

And that's exactly why it's impossible to have a rational conversation with you.
You are one of those people who is absolutely convinced that 2 + 2 = banana. Why? Because you said so and you are convinced that you can never be wrong.

This is your forte, This is what you do all the time.People who just make shit up believe 2+2=bananaYou just make stuff up and are totally convinced that it's the absolute truth. Black and white, no discussion. You think you're right and everyone else in wrong.You cant have a real conversation with people who think banana trumps facts.You have forgotten your homework assignment:
Ask questions to gain a better understanding.
The world is not black and white.
When you think you might disagree with someone, do not assume that your assessment of the situation is correct.
History makes it clear that, in your case, it essentially never is.

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