RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Going to Gunnison today. Maybe I should drive nude if it is too hot to drive with the top down!

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Pleasantly warm for the drive so I left my shorts on and the top off.
Good day at the beach. Busy but not crowded. Beach a little warm, water a little cool, but both were tolerable.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

We were able to get in our car in the garage, drive all the way to the gate, use the gate key to open the gate and drive up to the rec area.

That's how I can do it as well. Headed up to the resort yesterday to work on some projects at our site and came home today without getting dressed from the time I left home to the time I returned. Driving on the highway through downtown Worcester, MA in traffic jams requires strategically stopping the car so I'm not right next to another higher car or truck, but I think I've found a better route that avoids that highway altogether.

Mrs. J&C doesn't join in but the last two times we went to camp together she didn't complain when I jumped into the car with just a towel wrapped around me and then opened it up for the ride home. I do however keep a tee shirt in the front seat with me and a pair of basketball shorts in our bag in the back seat.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

We were able to get in our car in the garage, drive all the way to the gate, use the gate key to open the gate and drive up to the rec area.That's how I can do it as well. Headed up to the resort yesterday to work on some projects at our site and came home today without getting dressed from the time I left home to the time I returned. Driving on the highway through downtown Worcester, MA in traffic jams requires strategically stopping the car so I'm not right next to another higher car or truck, but I think I've found a better route that avoids that highway altogether.Mrs. J&C doesn't join in but the last two times we went to camp together she didn't complain when I jumped into the car with just a towel wrapped around me and then opened it up for the ride home. I do however keep a tee shirt in the front seat with me and a pair of basketball shorts in our bag in the back seat.

The Mrs. used to join me frequently, in my truck and then in the motorhome. I used to tint my windows quite dark so even driving up close to other vehicles higher than mine, we were not seen. The motorhome, we didn't tint the driver and passenger windows dark. We were driving up to Laguna Del Sol and were being passed by a big rig. I slowed a bit and then the trucker began to slow to pace me. He caught a glimpse of Di's boobs and wanted a better look. I began to slow, and he slowed even more. Then I sped up and passed him and he sped up. Di asked, "what's going on?" I told her he must have seen her boobs or more and he's trying to get another look. She got up, went and put on a sundress and has not ridden nude since. She will, however, wear one of my Hawaiian shirts. Since it's big on her, she can leave it opened and unbuttoned and then close it when she needs to.

I've mentioned this before in some of these threads that Di prefers me to drive naked because I drive calmer than when I'm dressed. I like to prolong the naked drive, so I slow down and am not as aggressive a driver, especially on the freeway. On long trips, I enjoy driving nude and she'll slip on a sundress if it's warm or something comfy to sit in for several hours. Our longest trips have been limited to about 500 miles in a day, usually less. We have towel covers on our front seats of my Jeep.

Since March of this year, driving naked is a daily thing for me. I run a lot of the drive thru errands like the pharmacy, bank, fast food. I went and gassed up the other day at the Indian Casino nearby and was able to do that in an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. The station was strangely quiet and slow that day, so I took advantage but like you, I do keep shorts and shirt with me at all times.

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RE:Driving nude - It's about feeling free

I love driving nude. I do it often in my jeep. If you watch other drivers, they really don't pay attention to other drivers, so I often just drive along, sometimes even through town. I always keep some shorts and a t-shirt handy in case I have to hop out of the jeep. but essentially, I just do what I do. The only time I throw the shirt on my lap is if I get in a traffic situation where a school bus ends up next to me. Colorado is great for the mountain drives as well.

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RE:Driving nude - It's about feeling free

I love driving nude. I do it often in my jeep. If you watch other drivers, they really don't pay attention to other drivers, so I often just drive along, sometimes even through town. I always keep some shorts and a t-shirt handy in case I have to hop out of the jeep. but essentially, I just do what I do. The only time I throw the shirt on my lap is if I get in a traffic situation where a school bus ends up next to me. Colorado is great for the mountain drives as well.

Do you ever drive nude with the roof and or doors off?

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RE:Driving nude - It's about feeling free

I have 1/2 doors I put on and take the top down.

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RE:Driving nude - It's about feeling free

I love driving nude. I do it often in my jeep. If you watch other drivers, they really don't pay attention to other drivers, so I often just drive along, sometimes even through town. I always keep some shorts and a t-shirt handy in case I have to hop out of the jeep. but essentially, I just do what I do. The only time I throw the shirt on my lap is if I get in a traffic situation where a school bus ends up next to me. Colorado is great for the mountain drives as well.

Agree on other drivers not paying attention. Went to camp (75 miles each way) for an abbreviated weekend to compete in the annual poker shoot and got stuck at a red light in the left lane on the way home while driving through town. Driver next to me was in an SUV and could have easily seen I was nude but never bothered to look over.

During the drive I did notice a couple of others driving shirtless but of course have no idea if they were nude. They were in older muscle cars that probably dont have air conditioning so it made sense. I am in a new Honda Civic that doesnt look the part, although the A/C is out so driving nude isnt just nice, right now it is a necessity.

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RE:Driving nude - It's about feeling free

I must admit, it is kind of a thrill to almost be seen, lol

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