RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Donald Duck driving is a good compromise.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

In a convertible it may be worth a try at night. I would image most cannot see into the drivers seat unless you spend to long at a very well lit stoplight.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

What is Donald Duck driving

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

What is Donald Duck driving

Donald Duck wears a shirt but nothing below that.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

I have a midsize SUV. Most other vehicles on the road are at my height or lower. I drove home from the lake nude yesterday after stopping to pump gas in just some running shorts. I was very aware of the cars around me but all they can see is that I am shirtless. No way they can see my groin from another car. I am starting to think as long as you are not in a convertible with the top down this is not a very big risk. As long as the weather cooperates I will be driving nude much more.

I do also have a minivan with tinted side windows. Would be a good vehicle to drive nude, but I rarely drive it unless my wife is in the car. Even though she is fine with me being nude in the house and inside our privacy fence, she doesn't want me to drive nude.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Going without a shirt, anywhere other than inside a restaurant or store/shop, is not illegal.True in general, but PA has "shirts and shoes required" signs on free standing rest rooms.You're taking what I posted outta context. I was answering your question about pumping gas and not going into the store for snacks. Would I go in without a shirt, sure, and I have on many occasions. For someone, such as yourself, that has such a thing about wearing shirts, I'm surprised you go into ANY place that required a shirt! hahaFor the older generations, men and women, it's not unusual. The thing that stops older guys from doing so is the issue younger people have with it, so you'll probably not see many older guys do it and even less, younger guys doing it.I will admit that I try to combine as many errands as possible into one trip so that I can go as long as possible without wearing a shirt in between. One frustration of mine used to be days when the only time I wore a shirt was the gym. Now I work out in the basement and never wear a shirt for that and rarely wear shorts. On rare occasions I have left my camera off for a Zoom meeting because I didn't feel like wearing a shirt. Don't go as far as someone I know who says he rarely wears a shirt for Zoom meetings. He keeps the camera aimed at his face and if the other participants see enough of his shoulders and upper chest to realize he isn't wearing a shirt he doesn't care!
Another thing I would do was go to small farm stands that didn't require a shirt rather than the main farmers market that does. Unfortunately, both of the farm stands near me have closed so that is no longer an option.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Will be driving to Key West next weekend (and back the following weekend). Would love to spend part of that drive naked. Sadly, going with a buddy who tolerates my love of nudity but I doubt will approve of me taking mynshorts off for part of the drive.

The Overseas highway would be a great place to drive nude. One of several where I suggested doing so but my wife didn't want me to.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Will be driving to Key West next weekend (and back the following weekend). Would love to spend part of that drive naked. Sadly, going with a buddy who tolerates my love of nudity but I doubt will approve of me taking mynshorts off for part of the drive.The Overseas highway would be a great place to drive nude. One of several where I suggested doing so but my wife didn't want me to.

The conversation was a little different than most of the others. Usually she will complain that she is cold, so I will offer to turn off the air conditioner if I take off my shorts. This time the top was down and she said it was too breezy, so I offered to put the top on and take my shorts off.
Offer was still declined.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Was married twice to very textile women.The Overseas highway would be a great place to drive nude. One of several where I suggested doing so but my wife didn't want me to.Thankfully both were totally comfortable with my nudity. Neither had any complaint about my driving nude on long road-trips.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Was married twice to very textile women.The Overseas highway would be a great place to drive nude. One of several where I suggested doing so but my wife didn't want me to.Thankfully both were totally comfortable with my nudity. Neither had any complaint about my driving nude on long road-trips.

My wife is only uncomfortable when she thinks I will be seen by someone other than she who is not a nudist.
She is fine with me being nude at home unless we have company and going to clothing optional beaches (without her).
Her concerns with driving are what happens if I am seen, or especially stopped for a driving infraction.

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