RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Going without a shirt, anywhere other than inside a restaurant or store/shop, is not illegal.True in general, but PA has "shirts and shoes required" signs on free standing rest rooms.

You're taking what I posted outta context. I was answering your question about pumping gas and not going into the store for snacks. Would I go in without a shirt, sure, and I have on many occasions. For someone, such as yourself, that has such a thing about wearing shirts, I'm surprised you go into ANY place that required a shirt! haha

For the older generations, men and women, it's not unusual. The thing that stops older guys from doing so is the issue younger people have with it, so you'll probably not see many older guys do it and even less, younger guys doing it.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Going without a shirt, anywhere other than inside a restaurant or store/shop, is not illegal.True in general, but PA has "shirts and shoes required" signs on free standing rest rooms.You're taking what I posted outta context. I was answering your question about pumping gas and not going into the store for snacks. Would I go in without a shirt, sure, and I have on many occasions. For someone, such as yourself, that has such a thing about wearing shirts, I'm surprised you go into ANY place that required a shirt! hahaFor the older generations, men and women, it's not unusual. The thing that stops older guys from doing so is the issue younger people have with it, so you'll probably not see many older guys do it and even less, younger guys doing it.

I will admit that I try to combine as many errands as possible into one trip so that I can go as long as possible without wearing a shirt in between. One frustration of mine used to be days when the only time I wore a shirt was the gym. Now I work out in the basement and never wear a shirt for that and rarely wear shorts. On rare occasions I have left my camera off for a Zoom meeting because I didn't feel like wearing a shirt. Don't go as far as someone I know who says he rarely wears a shirt for Zoom meetings. He keeps the camera aimed at his face and if the other participants see enough of his shoulders and upper chest to realize he isn't wearing a shirt he doesn't care!

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

In the US, there is no law requiring shirts (or shoes, for that matter) in restaurants or any other store/shop.Going without a shirt, anywhere other than inside a restaurant or store/shop, is not illegal.The health department regulates businesses, not customers.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Marshfield MO to Colorado Springs CO.So what's your personal best distance?750 miles. But I do have to stop for gas once -- would love to hop out nude and fill the tank. However, there's that jail thing that gets in the way.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Marshfield MO to Colorado Springs CO.So what's your personal best distance?750 miles. But I do have to stop for gas once -- would love to hop out nude and fill the tank. However, there's that jail thing that gets in the way.

Come up here and try getting out of the car nude to fill the tank - it will -10F (10 below zero F for those who might not know) tomorrow night

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Marshfield MO to Colorado Springs CO.So what's your personal best distance?750 miles. But I do have to stop for gas once -- would love to hop out nude and fill the tank. However, there's that jail thing that gets in the way.

A few people have managed to get away with pumping gas at night in a location with little business.
How do you handle rest room breaks?

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

I don't take rest breaks. I just drive.

I had a great day today - put in my single longest nude drive. Not talking golf here, but in my car.Was a beautifully warm Spring day around 28c and found myself on the motorway nude...and just keep going to home, where I hoped out and walked into my home also nude!I reckon I did about 25kms. A bit of training for when our State borders re-open and I take a road trip. I am hoping I can put in a few hundred kilometres nude!So what's your personal best distance
Was just looking at the anti-nudity laws for Kansas -- totally ok to just be nude. Haven't committed any offense unless you're nude for sexual gratification -- or are engaging in a sex act.

So, maybe next time I make that trip, when I fill up my tank (always in Kansas anyway), I'll do it nude.

* * *

I think the main difference between Kansas and Vermont and Oregon, is that public nudity is fairly socially acceptable in Vermont and Oregon -- whereas it is not in Kansas.

In Vermont and Oregon, it would be highly unlikely for anything to say or do anything about the fact that you were nude. But in Kansas, someone is likely to call the cops.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

I miss read that.How do you handle rest room breaks?I run into the convenience store and take a piss in the men's room. I also keep a pint container with me and piss into it while driving if necessary.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

I miss read that.How do you handle rest room breaks?I run into the convenience store and take a piss in the men's room. I also keep a pint container with me and piss into it while driving if necessary.

When stopping for gas and wearing something?

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but


But now that I know nudity is permissible in Kansas, I may try pumping gas nude.

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