RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Hi folks, I ran across this topic, thought I'd share. I'm in the USA so don't know kilometers from miles. But here is a fun story. I live in Colorado, some friends of mine moved to Kentucky. I was invited to visit. I drove out in my jeep with my little camper in tow, I spent 3 full days and nights camped in the yard without clothes. when was time to come home my buddy took my jeep and gassed it up for me while I showered and packed up, his wife put a little care package together with sandwiches and snacks I headed out early morning the jeep wide open and gassed up, I was on the road. I drove the whole trip home, about 1500 miles naked. only time i covered was when i stopped for gas, and when the sun went down and 75mph was getting too cold to be bare. I drove straight thru the trip until home. so, i was on the interstate highway completely nude almost the entire trip. never got a wave or a honk from other drivers. it proved to me an important fact. one can drive nearly anywhere nude. obey the traffic laws and be a good driver, most will not even notice you. For women I am sure it would be different, all men check out the gal in the car next to them, lol. in the summer, if I have to drive somewhere, i am always nude, just the way I am. it's become normal.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Hi folks, I ran across this topic, thought I'd share. I'm in the USA so don't know kilometers from miles. But here is a fun story. I live in Colorado, some friends of mine moved to Kentucky. I was invited to visit. I drove out in my jeep with my little camper in tow, I spent 3 full days and nights camped in the yard without clothes. when was time to come home my buddy took my jeep and gassed it up for me while I showered and packed up, his wife put a little care package together with sandwiches and snacks I headed out early morning the jeep wide open and gassed up, I was on the road. I drove the whole trip home, about 1500 miles naked. only time i covered was when i stopped for gas, and when the sun went down and 75mph was getting too cold to be bare. I drove straight thru the trip until home. so, i was on the interstate highway completely nude almost the entire trip. never got a wave or a honk from other drivers. it proved to me an important fact. one can drive nearly anywhere nude. obey the traffic laws and be a good driver, most will not even notice you. For women I am sure it would be different, all men check out the gal in the car next to them, lol. in the summer, if I have to drive somewhere, i am always nude, just the way I am. it's become normal.

By wide open, do you mean no roof, no doors or both?

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Donald Duck driving is a good compromise.

Wouldn't be for me. I find shirts more confining and annoying than shorts.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Slipped on my shorts and t-shirt in the truck. before I got out.

I only wear a shirt at home for special company, not delivery people, tradesmen or frequent visitors.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

More than thirty years before I first heard the term Donald Ducking, --Donald Duck driving is a good compromise.-- I started doing that in my backyard. Although I lived in town, my backyard was very private. There was only one section of fence over which someone might have even seen me in the back yard. Most such "sightings" would have only exposed me from the shoulders up. I figured that if anyone saw me, they'd just assume I had pants on.

Of all the times I did that, only one person actually came up to the fence and actually looked over it. In that particular case, I was not wearing a shirt, either -- totally nude. That person didn't care. Not the first naked man he'd ever seen.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

A friend and I will be driving from Ft Lauderdale to Key West next month. We will leave my place with shorts and shoes, nothing else. We have both vowed that once we hit the highway, the shorts come off and we will make most of the trip nude. I did the Ft Lauderdale to Key West trip about 15 years ago in a Mustang convertible with the top down. That included going through a toll booth around 4am. The woman at the booth took forever to count my change and as I was leaving said "Thank You for making my night" Of course that was before everyone had a smartphone.Last August I drove from Fort Lauderdale to Buffalo, NY nude most of the way including one nude gas stop at 1AM at a gas station just north of the GA - SC border. There was a convenience store that was closed but the gas pump was open so I gassed up the car and cleaned the windshield totally nude. That place will be a regular gas stop at night for future trips Every rest stop was made in a pair of mesh running shorts and no shirt. I did 1 stop in PA but I don't recall any shirts and shoes required . It would be fun to go in there wearing shoes and a shirt and nothing else but would probably get arrested.How long will you be in Key West? Where can you go and what can you do without a shirt while you are there?I saw a picture of someone tried your last idea. He was holding a golf club and standing by sign that said collared shirts and golf shoes required. He was wearing what the sign stipulated, but nothing else. By the way, I have only ever used 2 rest areas in PA that do not include food service. Perhaps others don't require shirts and shoes.It is just going to be for 1 night. Drive in on a Friday morning, stay that night at the Island house where we can be nude all the time throughout the complex. Then go on the BluQ sailing cruise Saturday and then head back home. May stay Saturday night not sure yet. One of my bucket list is to get a picture of me in front of the Southernmost point marker nude. If I succeed I will post it here for sure.Does Island house have an on-site restaurant, do you know of another place that will allow shirtless men or will you have food delivered?Better be quick at the southernmost point. It's a rather busy tourist spot!Island House does have a restaurant (Cafe) They have excellent food, the prices are on par with the area (High) Shirtless? You can sit and enjoy your meal nude.Have to check out Garden Of Eden. Never been there. Neither one of us are drinkers, but one cocktail once in a while is cool. Especially nude!When in March are you going?March 4-5

How was your trip?

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

HI I had to drive unclothed to home when some dumbass stole my clothes. I was lucky of wearing my personal things plus a bath towel with me at the moment. Thrilling and not very grateful experience btw,

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

I've always worried about my clothes being stolen whilst nude and swimming at the beach.

Not that I'm worried about others seeing me driving or even walking to my car for that fact; but simply the thought that somebody would break one of the golden rules and steal your stuff whilst you're in the water.

Hope you made it home safely.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

By Elizabt:

HI I had to drive unclothed to home when some dumbass stole my clothes. I was lucky of wearing my personal things plus a bath towel with me at the moment. Thrilling and not very grateful experience btw,

That's so sad. I'm glad to say I've never lost anything to theft on the beach, even if I go for a long walk or a swim. If I'm driving nude, it's by choice!

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

By Elizabt:HI I had to drive unclothed to home when some dumbass stole my clothes. I was lucky of wearing my personal things plus a bath towel with me at the moment. Thrilling and not very grateful experience btw,That's so sad. I'm glad to say I've never lost anything to theft on the beach, even if I go for a long walk or a swim. If I'm driving nude, it's by choice!

Never have either, but I sometimes worry about it.

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