RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Then you were able to do all of your rest room stops shirtless?
What about food and drinks?

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Last week, we were on an RV trip with non-nudist friends. We stayed at a RV park and were lucky to have an end spot where we could actually exit our motorhome naked on occasion. I did so to keep up my "Naked outside everyday" challenge. It was chilly so there wasn't any prolonged naked time, and our friends continually came over to talk.

Having spent an entire week mostly clothed, unless we were inside our motorhome, when it was time to leave and return home, I got completely naked and drove the 6 hrs without a stitch except for one time. We stopped for fuel and food, and I slipped on shorts and flip flops to eat outside with my wife and friends. Back inside the RV, I stripped and off we went. We passed them on the freeway home, waved and continued home. Once home, our street was quiet, shutters were closed on the neighbor's homes, so I was able to exit the coach naked and go inside for another potty break before slipping on my out front shorts (short sheer) to begin the unpacking detail. Great naked drive home!

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Driving my sedan with the windows down in broad daylight with traffic and some pedestrians was way less nerve-wracking than a convertible in the dead of night!I would not consider either one nerve wracking. I drive nude whenever I can.I should keep track of miles driven nude this year. Last year, I did my Ft Lauderdale - Buffalo trip nude most of the way about 90% of the time so that was about 2200 miles nude. I also did the drive from Ft Lauderdale to New Orleans for the Naked Bike Ride about 1650 miles nude all the way other than putting a pair of shorts on for gas stop and restroom stops. And with a friend I met through here we went from his place in South Beach Miami to Blind creek beach about 180 miles round trip nude all the way. So not counting many smaller drives that is 4030 miles driven nude. Need to up that this year.
Logging miles sounds like an interesting idea.
You could even do a 4 way. Nude, shirt only. Shorts only and dressed. I have tracked what I wear from May to September that way some years.
You probably log more miles nude than clothed.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

Driving my sedan with the windows down in broad daylight with traffic and some pedestrians was way less nerve-wracking than a convertible in the dead of night!I would not consider either one nerve wracking. I drive nude whenever I can.I should keep track of miles driven nude this year. Last year, I did my Ft Lauderdale - Buffalo trip nude most of the way about 90% of the time so that was about 2200 miles nude. I also did the drive from Ft Lauderdale to New Orleans for the Naked Bike Ride about 1650 miles nude all the way other than putting a pair of shorts on for gas stop and restroom stops. And with a friend I met through here we went from his place in South Beach Miami to Blind creek beach about 180 miles round trip nude all the way. So not counting many smaller drives that is 4030 miles driven nude. Need to up that this year.

How much clothing did you bring on the New Orleans and Blind Creek trips?

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

In Missouri USA, visible erection even through heavy fabric and butt crack are considered nudity (indecent exposure) -- as well as pubic hair.By mensasnem:Never tried a pouch. Something to keep in mind if you're considering wearing one as a means of being just barely legal. Check the laws in your jurisdiction. Some state that visible pubic hair qualifies as "nudity" or "indecent exposure."Our legislation (Summary Offences Act) refers only to genitals in the relevant paragraph with no mention of hair. Most who would wear a pouch would probably be hairless anyway, I expect. I've only ever seen one being worn by a guy laying in the sun on an edgier beach. One issue is their coverage isn't 100% due to how they sit on you body - since the base flares out, they may not cover the flared area. Not sure how technical things would get in a local court if it came to that.Our legislation also mentions not exposing the anus, although it's a separate section. I think they were addressing flashing a browneye (mooning) rather than blokes wearing pouches when they wrote it. I've no idea how that would be interpreted if you're standing with cheeks together, as opposed to bending over!In the US, the laws vary by state and even local laws. In Oregon, for example, there is not state-wide anti-nudity law, but four or five cities have enacted anti-nudity laws. Can be nude is all of the state except those four or five cities.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

I would really think a convertible in the dead of night would be much less of an issue.Driving my sedan with the windows down in broad daylight with traffic and some pedestrians was way less nerve-wracking than a convertible in the dead of night!Probably no one around to see you and even if there were, darkness would likely make it difficult or impossible to see you. You could be stopped at a light with a vehicle right next to you and they likely could not tell that you were nude.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

It was only when I was out driving that I came to appreciate how good the street lighting was, especially at the intersections. Effectively as good as daylight in a Miata. Even if some of the detail was in the shadows, I'm more used to the idea of not being noticed rather than being noticed even if the detail is not 100% clear, I guess. I usually try to be discrete in non-CO areas.

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

A friend and I will be driving from Ft Lauderdale to Key West next month. We will leave my place with shorts and shoes, nothing else. We have both vowed that once we hit the highway, the shorts come off and we will make most of the trip nude. I did the Ft Lauderdale to Key West trip about 15 years ago in a Mustang convertible with the top down. That included going through a toll booth around 4am. The woman at the booth took forever to count my change and as I was leaving said "Thank You for making my night" Of course that was before everyone had a smartphone.Last August I drove from Fort Lauderdale to Buffalo, NY nude most of the way including one nude gas stop at 1AM at a gas station just north of the GA - SC border. There was a convenience store that was closed but the gas pump was open so I gassed up the car and cleaned the windshield totally nude. That place will be a regular gas stop at night for future trips Every rest stop was made in a pair of mesh running shorts and no shirt. I did 1 stop in PA but I don't recall any shirts and shoes required . It would be fun to go in there wearing shoes and a shirt and nothing else but would probably get arrested.How long will you be in Key West? Where can you go and what can you do without a shirt while you are there?I saw a picture of someone tried your last idea. He was holding a golf club and standing by sign that said collared shirts and golf shoes required. He was wearing what the sign stipulated, but nothing else. By the way, I have only ever used 2 rest areas in PA that do not include food service. Perhaps others don't require shirts and shoes.It is just going to be for 1 night. Drive in on a Friday morning, stay that night at the Island house where we can be nude all the time throughout the complex. Then go on the BluQ sailing cruise Saturday and then head back home. May stay Saturday night not sure yet. One of my bucket list is to get a picture of me in front of the Southernmost point marker nude. If I succeed I will post it here for sure.Does Island house have an on-site restaurant, do you know of another place that will allow shirtless men or will you have food delivered?Better be quick at the southernmost point. It's a rather busy tourist spot!Island House does have a restaurant (Cafe) They have excellent food, the prices are on par with the area (High) Shirtless? You can sit and enjoy your meal nude.Have to check out Garden Of Eden. Never been there. Neither one of us are drinkers, but one cocktail once in a while is cool. Especially nude!

I have read that at many clothing optional resorts, few people are nude in the restaurant at dinner. Do you know if that is true at Island House?

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

I drove from Raleigh NC to FTL FL completely naked. I had a pair of shorts incase i had to fill up or piss but nothing else to wear except what was packed in the back of the moving truck. Approx. 800 miles. Honestly if i am driving for more than 20 min i am nude and less than I Donald Duck.

Did you do all of your bathroom breaks at freestanding rest areas? I know those states don't require shirts at them.
How did you handle food and drink?

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RE:Driving nude - know its been up here before, but

A friend and I will be driving from Ft Lauderdale to Key West next month. We will leave my place with shorts and shoes, nothing else. We have both vowed that once we hit the highway, the shorts come off and we will make most of the trip nude. I did the Ft Lauderdale to Key West trip about 15 years ago in a Mustang convertible with the top down. That included going through a toll booth around 4am. The woman at the booth took forever to count my change and as I was leaving said "Thank You for making my night" Of course that was before everyone had a smartphone.Last August I drove from Fort Lauderdale to Buffalo, NY nude most of the way including one nude gas stop at 1AM at a gas station just north of the GA - SC border. There was a convenience store that was closed but the gas pump was open so I gassed up the car and cleaned the windshield totally nude. That place will be a regular gas stop at night for future trips Every rest stop was made in a pair of mesh running shorts and no shirt. I did 1 stop in PA but I don't recall any shirts and shoes required . It would be fun to go in there wearing shoes and a shirt and nothing else but would probably get arrested.How long will you be in Key West? Where can you go and what can you do without a shirt while you are there?I saw a picture of someone tried your last idea. He was holding a golf club and standing by sign that said collared shirts and golf shoes required. He was wearing what the sign stipulated, but nothing else. By the way, I have only ever used 2 rest areas in PA that do not include food service. Perhaps others don't require shirts and shoes.

I stopped at a different freestanding rest area in Pennsylvania yesterday. It also has a shirt and shoes required sign. Not that I or probably anyone would go in one shirtless when the temperature was in the 30s F.

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