RE:New gym, new environment

I can't get over the modesty of so many younger guys at my gym. Most do not shower after working out. A few even go into the toilet stalls to change back into their street clothes. Some appear to be shocked that we older guys (I'm 70) will strip down and walk to the showers with our towels over our shoulders. Few of us would win the Penile Olympics. Get over size men.

I was talking with some of my colleagues born in the 80's one day when one of them made a comment about the lack of modesty on the part of older members of his fitness center. I said that it probably was because they grew up in an atmosphere where nude swimming at male only locations was the norm, and doing other athletic activities nude was not uncommon. This was met with total disbelief. I was surprised, not because they would have experienced it directly, but I would have thought that their fathers, who are in my age group, would have mentioned it to them at some point.

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RE:New gym, new environment

What's particularly interesting is the that original definition of modest including nudity. That is, nudity was considered ultimate form modesty.I can't get over the modesty of so many younger guys at my gym.Modesty did not mean covered. Modesty meant unpretentious. Basic. Simple. The opposite of fancy. It was considered immodest to be all dressed up and wearing lots of jewelry not having an elaborate hairdo. It's still used in that manner in certain contexts.

If I said I had a modest home, you would not think it meant my house had closed shutters covering the windows on the outside and there were heavy draperies on the inside. You would know it mean my house was simple, basic -- nothing fancy. You would likely expect to find a lack of shutters and draperies.

What if I said I lived on a modest income?

The modern understanding of modesty acquired full expression while Vicky was Queen.

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RE:New gym, new environment

As someone who was at an Australian secondary school in the mid-eighties, the prevailing culture was not to be nude despite it being mandatory to have a shower after a sports class. Everyone just dunked their hair under the water for the sake of looks and the teachers mainly enforced it by looking for wet hair as we left the gymnasium rather than entering the change rooms themselves. That attitude seems to have enshrined itself at more than just my old school!

At the time I just went with that flow. Now when I'm in a change room I just do what I'm doing with no concerns.

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RE:New gym, new environment

By mensasnem:

What's particularly interesting is the that original definition of modest including nudity. That is, nudity was considered ultimate form modesty.

Interesting. I can see both sides to the meaning in the context of nudity. Modesty through low-key clothing or modesty though no adornment of clothing whatsoever? Too me it could cut both ways, but I see your perspective. The very existence of this topic suggests views are shifting in the wider community, I guess.

I can't get over the modesty of so many younger guys at my gym.

So, then, what is modesty in a changeroom? I would have thought quietly doing what you need to do. Conspicuous avoidance of nudity is that situation could be seen as less modest. But drawing attention to oneself in that situation could also be immodest. In recent times I think I've been shifting over time towards the latter version of immodesty. :-)

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RE:New gym, new environment

I know I'm seen as entirely lacking modesty -- by the current understanding of that word -- while in the men's locker room.In recent times I think I've been shifting over time towards the latter version of immodesty. :-)From my perspective, I'm just going about my business. I make no effort to hide or cover up because I have nothing to hide of be ashamed of. But neither do I make any show of nudity.

When I get there, the first thing I do is take my clothing off. I then find an available locker and put my clothing and other stuff in it. Lock it and walk to the urinals and take a piss. Go back to the locker and put on my gym shorts and t-shirt or just swim trunks. I then go do whatever it was I was going to do.

Immediately upon reentering the locker room, I strip off. If I had been swimming, then I hang my swim trunks on a hook outside the steam room. Otherwise, I put my gym shorts and t-shirt in the locker. Go sit in the steam room until I'm uncomfortably warm, then take a shower without pulling the curtain closed.

Back to the locker to get a towel. Dry off and drop the towel. Comb my hair standing in front of the mirror and go weigh myself. Return to locker, get dressed, gather my stuff, pick up the towel, and leave.

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RE:New gym, new environment

I shower in the lockerroom so I go nude. I note that most guys do not shower
after they work out. No idea why. Same thing occurred when I was in high school gym class.

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RE:New gym, new environment

am sure celebrities do not frequent gyms for fear they will be photographed
and it will be all over the internet.

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RE:New gym, new environment

Agreed! If they want a picture so bad, they could just ask :)

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RE:New gym, new environment

I am not sure why younger guys hide in the lockroom, I am always nude at my gym at Planet Fitness. I get my things from the locker and I undress out in the open then walk to to shower nude. After I am nude as well to go and change, I don't see why others are ashamed when we have the same thing lol. From time to time i do see other guys around my age or older nude and its nice to have that around still.

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RE:New gym, new environment

I agree!

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