John Edwards political career was killed by having an affair on his cancer stricken wife. Newt did the same thing, dumping her when she was ill for his mistress. Alas, Newt ascribed his "moral transgressions" to his great love for his country.
"Spreading lies and throwing mud" has been the primary tactic of Karl Rove and the republicans for quite a while. I wonder why they can't use reason.
Why use reason if it is easier with above mentioned tactics. Which, I have no doubt for its popularity, seems to be relevant for the general public, or at least large part of the "moving voters'" segment of it. Integrity is important, but integrity is what gets lost when from real events come smear campaigns of details of utter irrelevance.
The run for the 2012 Presidential election has begun. Obama has already declaired his intention to run. The Republicans are searching for someone to run against our sitting President in November of 2012. There are a lot of tired old faces out there but I recently attended a gathering of grass roots individuals and met a man who, I feel, can rescue our Country from the malaise in which we now find ourselves. His name is Herman Cain. Please check him out. His web site is Go to the News Room page and listen to some of his past speeches and interviews. Personally I found him to be very intelligent, charismatic and articulate with a very deep grasp of the problems facing America and the World today. I urge you to check him out and, if you feel as I do, send him a donation. Oh, by the way, the first thing you will notice about Mr. Cain and he will tell you this, is he is Black. Herman Cain has an up hill battle in getting recognized. The reason for this is he is Obama's worst nightmare. The main streammedia has a problem with him because he completely destroys their argument that the Republicans are racists. They therefore will not report upon any of his campaign activities. Despite the fact that he is receiving so little media coverage, he is continueing to rise in the polls.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Seriously? Glad that went no where.