Just joined

HI Everyone!
I just joined this group today! So I'll start off telling you about my garden.
We are in a small town, but definately in a neighborhood. Fortunatly, we have good fences and so far, no trouble from the neighbors. They don't talk to us, but thats beside the point. I am nude most of the time in my backyard.
I have just made a good garden in the back. Our third full summer here. I finally borrowed a rear tined tiller and was able to give the garden a good run. I have used only a shovel the last time. Last year, we didn't grow on at all since the weather was so bad. We just converted the chicken pen back to a garden, which we were going to do anyway.
We also got some fresh manure from the same people who loaned us the tiller (we gave them our chickens, who are very happy) and I was able to get that tilled in really good.
So hopefully, since our garden dirt is much, much richer than it was when we first got here (pitiful then) we got our corn, beans, watermelon, cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, squash and collards (usually fall, but that's ok) and we also have some tomatoes in a starter pan we started from seed (plants were too expensive) and some herbs.
Inside the chicken pen, we have our pole beans and cucumbers, and two or three varieties of lettuce. the pen is an open fenced area, so the beans and cukes have a wall to climb and plenty of sun.
It looks like a lot, but not really, we have short rows and we just planted a small garden (about 10'x35'). So far, the weather has been the best we have seen in years, so we are hoping for a great year.
BTW, yes, I did most of this in the nude. I did plant some while wearing clothes, but because our neighbor was out in her backyard. I hope that didn't mess up our chances of a good plant but I was "naked" in spirit.. But I did till the second part and planted the beans, cucumber and watermelon in the nude. So I know they will do great.
Looking forward to a great summer,
Live Nude and Prosper,

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RE: Just joined

That's awesome, Boyd! You're going to be amazed at the taste when you get to start eating your own homegrown veggies! There's nothing like it in the food world!

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RE: Just joined

Nice work on the garden, Boyd! My house is filled with grow lights and plants just itching to get outdoors. Yesterday we had snow and 40 mile and hour winds here - not real conducive to nude gardening!

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