RE:Steel Rings feel SO Good

It's a marvelous look (though yours have been deleted*), butt I prefer 1 or 2 heavy steel shackles; don't have the patience ... or endurance? ... for forcing theBoys through several gates/ rings & prefer to avoid the pinch. When lubricated (olive oil) the scrotum flesh stays supple enough to glide freely all-day through 24/7 wear. That & the PULL of 2lbs to 5lbs of weight is MANSBESTFRIEND.

* Hope the draconian tn thought police censors don't delete these ON TOPIC detailed illustrations of the theme.

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RE:Steel Rings feel SO Good

Wow! Now that really is impressive.

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RE:Steel Rings feel SO Good

"* Hope the draconian tn thought police censors don't delete these ON TOPIC detailed illustrations of the theme."

And there they were......gone.

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RE:Steel Rings feel SO Good

Looks great!!!

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