RE:Deer problem

I had deer problems for years, finally had it with them and spent a whole winter building fence around 7 acres. used chain link that's 6 ft high, where it's more likely they'd jump I added barb wire to make it 8-9 ft tall. so far no more deer inside.

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RE:Deer problem

I was told by a Pecan farmer in Georgia that in order to keep the deer from eating newly planted pecan trees, he sprays them with water and Irish Spring Soap and puts small pieces of the soap around the trees. Apparently, deer can't stand Irish Spring soap.I also had a male student in Georgia tell since he was 6, his father, and older brother have joined him in the morning and evening in peeing around the garden. Male Human Urine is also a deterrent to the deer.

I have done both with decent results. The Irish spring I use bar soap and a vegetable peeler to leave pieces around the garden. Dew and rain will eventually dissolve the chunks so will need to be repeated as needed.

I keep a couple large mouth gatorade type bottles in the truck to pee in while going down the road on long commutes. If left in the bottle for a day or 2 it really amplifies the potency ;-)

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RE:Deer problem

Hope you took care f the problem with the deer Goatberry. We have a problem with them here East of you. We finally gave up trying to grow green beans because they would mw them to the ground. Believe it or not our biggest problem is with them eating our okra! I thought he was crazy when he told me when we were n the garden to pee between the rows. Since we are always nude in the garden it was no problem taking a couple of steps a few rows over and letting fly. It didn't keep them from browsing on all but it did slow them down. It's surprising they bother our sweet corn, squashes and others very little.

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RE:Deer problem

My wife just reminded me of our trick from last year, plant sweet & hot peppers in your rows. I had a garden section with hot peppers planted in the row, the deer came & ate it all and never came back. I guess they couldnt tell which plant was ok well enough. I dont think they have been back. Its actually a little deer do pepto bismol? LOL.

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