Possibly visiting Baltimore, Philly, NYC and Boston in September

Hi guys! Fully vaccinated guy from Chile here ;) #TeamPfizer. I would love to meet fellow gay nudists around my age or younger. If you can host me in any of these cities in September, I will be forever grateful. I just need a couch for 3 nights. And if you have time, show me your city. But if you can't, don't worry, I can move around by myself all day and we can meet for dinner or later.
I can host in my house in Valparaiso, Chile in return of the favor. :)

My schedule in September:
Baltimore 4-5-6
Philadelphia 7-8-9
NYC 10-11-12 or 13-14-15 or 16-17-18
Boston 19-20-21

In July and August I will be house sitting and dog sitting my friend's apt in Washington D.C. Inbox me if you want to meet, walk the dog with me, hang around, go to a museum, drink coffee or anything.

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