Zero Based Wardrobe

Someone on another board posted that when he retired, he intended to stock up on supplies, get rid of all of his clothing, stay clothing free as long as possible, and then order clothing item by item as he needed it. way, he would wind up with only the amount that was truly necessary. Has anyone here done that or considered doing so?
Or, if waiting for delivery would be a concern, or quick delivery is not available in your location, have you considered getting rid of all but 1 or 2 sets of clothing and doing essentially the same thing?

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RE:Zero Based Wardrobe

Now that I am retired I am nude unless I have to go somewhere. Haven't considered cleaning out the closet, but I probably should...

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RE:Zero Based Wardrobe

You probably should. I am retired also, and while I never tried the zero based approach, or even anything close to it, I have gotten rid of a lot of clothing.
Since I retired, I got rid of all of my suits, undershirts and underwear, most of my dress shirts and ties, and al least half of my business casual clothing. I got a privacy fence around my pool, so I also got rid of most of my swimwear. I now have less than half as much clothing as I did when I was working. I emptied out half the drawers I had clothing in, and still managed to find room for my out of season clothes, which I used to keep in a storage chest. My closet is barely half full, even after moving my lighter weight outerwear there from the hall closet.
I always find getting rid of clothing a liberating experience.
Two suggestions I have found helpful.
Be nude when you go through your clothing, make you more aware that much of the clothing you have is unnecessary.
Take everything out of your closet and drawers. Put a donation box and trash bag next to the pile of clothing. That way, it is more effort to put something back to keep is than it is to get rid of it.
One I haven't tried.
Tag ever piece of clothing you have. When you wear it, remove the tag. If anything still has a tag on it a year later, get rid of it. May not work for a "wedding and funeral" suit or heavy outerwear that you don't need every winter, but should work for everything esle.

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RE:Zero Based Wardrobe

Any further thoughts on getting rid of unnecessary clothing?

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RE:Zero Based Wardrobe

Now that I am retired I am nude unless I have to go somewhere. Haven't considered cleaning out the closet, but I probably should...

I just noticed this very old post, Did you ever get around to cleaning out your clothes closet?
If so, how much did you keep?

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RE:Zero Based Wardrobe

In a perfect world, we'd only have clothing based on weather conditions. Living naked, doing normal everyday things like shopping, errands, dining, vacationing ... will not happen in our remaining lifetime so we need clothes.

I have way too many clothes for a nudist and so does my wife. Being retired, it seems I wear many of the same things over and over again. Some of the items I own are from places we've visited, events we've attended, and I'll wear those on occasion. I have several pairs of pants ranging from Levis to a couple pair of dress pants. I have dress shirts and ties but usually wear a Tommy Bahama camp shirt to most outings.

We both go through our closest a couple times a year and donate our clothing to a local thrift shop. I've seen some of my shirts, and a couple of my jackets around town. At least someone's getting use out of them. We never donate ratty clothes, all our donated items are in very good shape and in working order. I doubt we'll ever have a Zero Based Wardrobe.

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RE:Zero Based Wardrobe

In a perfect world, we'd only have clothing based on weather conditions. Living naked, doing normal everyday things like shopping, errands, dining, vacationing ... will not happen in our remaining lifetime so we need clothes.I have way too many clothes for a nudist and so does my wife. Being retired, it seems I wear many of the same things over and over again. Some of the items I own are from places we've visited, events we've attended, and I'll wear those on occasion. I have several pairs of pants ranging from Levis to a couple pair of dress pants. I have dress shirts and ties but usually wear a Tommy Bahama camp shirt to most outings.We both go through our closest a couple times a year and donate our clothing to a local thrift shop. I've seen some of my shirts, and a couple of my jackets around town. At least someone's getting use out of them. We never donate ratty clothes, all our donated items are in very good shape and in working order. I doubt we'll ever have a Zero Based Wardrobe.

By zero based wardrobe, I didn't mean no clothing over the long term, Just get rid of (almost) all of it and buy just what you need going forward.

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RE:Zero Based Wardrobe

In a perfect world, we'd only have clothing based on weather conditions. Living naked, doing normal everyday things like shopping, errands, dining, vacationing ... will not happen in our remaining lifetime so we need clothes.I have way too many clothes for a nudist and so does my wife. Being retired, it seems I wear many of the same things over and over again. Some of the items I own are from places we've visited, events we've attended, and I'll wear those on occasion. I have several pairs of pants ranging from Levis to a couple pair of dress pants. I have dress shirts and ties but usually wear a Tommy Bahama camp shirt to most outings.We both go through our closest a couple times a year and donate our clothing to a local thrift shop. I've seen some of my shirts, and a couple of my jackets around town. At least someone's getting use out of them. We never donate ratty clothes, all our donated items are in very good shape and in working order. I doubt we'll ever have a Zero Based Wardrobe.By zero based wardrobe, I didn't mean no clothing over the long term, Just get rid of (almost) all of it and buy just what you need going forward.
Then you should have made that clear. Zero means 0!

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RE:Zero Based Wardrobe

In a perfect world, we'd only have clothing based on weather conditions. Living naked, doing normal everyday things like shopping, errands, dining, vacationing ... will not happen in our remaining lifetime so we need clothes.I have way too many clothes for a nudist and so does my wife. Being retired, it seems I wear many of the same things over and over again. Some of the items I own are from places we've visited, events we've attended, and I'll wear those on occasion. I have several pairs of pants ranging from Levis to a couple pair of dress pants. I have dress shirts and ties but usually wear a Tommy Bahama camp shirt to most outings.We both go through our closest a couple times a year and donate our clothing to a local thrift shop. I've seen some of my shirts, and a couple of my jackets around town. At least someone's getting use out of them. We never donate ratty clothes, all our donated items are in very good shape and in working order. I doubt we'll ever have a Zero Based Wardrobe.By zero based wardrobe, I didn't mean no clothing over the long term, Just get rid of (almost) all of it and buy just what you need going forward.Then you should have made that clear. Zero means 0!

I was using a parallel to the procedure called 0 based budgeting, where you start with no budget and decide what you really need and have to justify everything that you add. To do this, you would need enough resources to replace necessary clothing and enough advance notice that you would need to dress to have something delivered. Once you have the first set, you could buy more in person.

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RE:Zero Based Wardrobe

Being a naturist means you like to be nude.

It does not mean that has to be your only pleasure.

We (well most of us) are normal people who like to do a wide range of things.

I like attending live sport events, live music shows, I like seeing my friends and family, I like going out for dinner and having a drink in the pub. I have clothes for doing all those. Weird I know.

Im still a naturist.

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RE:Zero Based Wardrobe

Being a naturist means you like to be nude.It does not mean that has to be your only pleasure.We (well most of us) are normal people who like to do a wide range of things.I like attending live sport events, live music shows, I like seeing my friends and family, I like going out for dinner and having a drink in the pub. I have clothes for doing all those. Weird I know.Im still a naturist.

I was not saying that 0 based wardrobe means going without owning clothes, just have exactly what you need but no more.
Just like 0 based budgets do not mean closing your department, just eliminating all unnecessary expenses.

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