Spring Clean Up 2021

2021 Spring Cleanup Schedule (weather permitting)
Reservations RequiredSaturday April 17th 10am 4pm
Saturday April 24th 10am 4pm
Saturday May 1st 10am 4pm
Sunday May 2nd 10am 4pm
It is that time of the year again when we have to pick up after Mother Nature.
We need help raking and dumping leaves, picking up branches and sticks, cutting and splitting wood and helping to put the camp back in order after this past winter.Due to Covid restrictions we will require you to make a reservation for the day(s) you wish to help, you must wear a mask, you must maintain a minimum of 6 feet from other workers, and you must bring your own rake. Dyer Woods will not be providing or allowing the sharing of rakes.
Dyer Woods will supply lunch and water during both cleanup days.

All non-members will be given a day pass to return during the 2021 season for each day of help.
All members this will count as part of your 24 hours for the 2021 season.

To reserve your spot please call 401-397-3007 and leave a message with your full name and a phone number.

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RE:Spring Clean Up 2021

Raking never was more fun. :)

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