What's your favorite spot to be naked in the BA?

I'm just curious to see what is everyone's favorite spot to hang out naked in and around the Bay Area. I was chatting with a friend earlier and realized that I haven't explored and / or didn't know about several naked places. Let's compare notes!

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RE:What's your favorite spot to be naked in the BA?

ANy of the beaches or Korean spas.

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RE:What's your favorite spot to be naked in the BA?

I only know of Immersion Spa in the area, are there other K Spas?

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RE:What's your favorite spot to be naked in the BA?

There's Psy Spa in San Leandro, and Imperial Spa and Kabuki in SF, although I don't know if Imperial will reopen. There used to be Lawrence Health Spa but that was closed to make room for apartments. There's also Onsen in San Francisco though it's expensive and limited.

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RE:What's your favorite spot to be naked in the BA?

Let me know the next time you host a nude event!

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RE:What's your favorite spot to be naked in the BA?

Korean spas
Kabuki, Archimedes, and Imperial in San Francisco
Psy Health in San Leandro
Immersion in Palo Alto

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