COVID-19 vaccines

Hey guys!
Just wondering how everyone's going with the COVID-19 vaccines? Anyone got it yet? How did it go? Any reactions? I'm totally DESPERATE to get mine, but it's looking like it won't be until July/August... sigh :(
Stay nude, stay skeptical and stay safe!

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RE:COVID-19 vaccines

Yes,but never use Vacine Covid Wuhan from China or Rusia.Remember.

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RE:COVID-19 vaccines

I had the vaccine in January (I'm a doctor). Very happy because of that :)

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RE:COVID-19 vaccines

I had my vaccine. 2 doses. Nothing weird feeling except the pain from the injection site. Its just one day then after that im feeling well until now. No allergic reactions or something. Fyi im a nurse

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RE:COVID-19 vaccines

Wow! Awesome! I'm happy for you guys who have had it already!
Tonio_phx, I hope you get yours soon! We'll celebrate together! :)

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RE:COVID-19 vaccines

Tonio_phx: Wow! Awesome!! So happy for you, man!! :)

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RE:COVID-19 vaccines

I had both of my vaccines with out any problems

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RE:COVID-19 vaccines

Had my first dose, hardly noticed a thing. Over 20m in UK have had their first dose, either Pfizer of OxfordAstrazenaca. Very few reporting any side effects and none to worry about. More and more data coming out suggesting they are not just good at preventing deaths/serious infections but also helping to reduce transmissions, which is a bonus. 94% of people in UK say they will have the vaccine, or have already had it, so that's good news for us getting herd immunity and getting out of lockdowns for good.

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RE:COVID-19 vaccines

Got a friend in US who got the first dose 3 weeks ago, he got unwell about 5 hours afterward and spent 5 days sick like a dog, chills, sweats, headhache, diarhea...but in day 6 he was fine, he got the second dose and was fine afterward...everybody react differently depending on the state of your immune system at the time...

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RE:COVID-19 vaccines

Had mine on Sunday...slight soreness to arm no more....T-minus and counting to restrictions lift off!!

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RE:COVID-19 vaccines

Got mine the other day. No problems, other than having to wait in line.

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