Skinny dip 2021

Hey south Wales naked boys

I've been to one of these skinny dips - in February. It was brief and fun.

We should consider another one to mark the end of this lockdown.

What do you think?

Usual place - Monknash beach.

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RE:Skinny dip 2021

Sounds lovely. The south east of Wales is a bit far for me during the pandemic mind. If anyone in Pembrokeshire is interested in a social distant dip though

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RE:Skinny dip 2021

Great idea.

I'd definitely be up for it again when this 'lockdown' finally finishes.

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RE:Skinny dip 2021

Sounds like a great idea, I think it will be warm by the time this lot ends.

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RE:Skinny dip 2021

Sure, sounds like a plan!...keep me posted..

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RE:Skinny dip 2021

might be getting cold again, though!

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RE:Skinny dip 2021

Hey, no wimping out now, hahaha!

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RE:Skinny dip 2021

Count me in. I might even bring a few friends.

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