Working nude makes working recreational

I'm a contractor and occasionally I get to work while I'm nude. Being nude is just a liberating feeling. While working if I break a sweat the slightest breeze instantly can be felt as a cooling experience. The sun rays can also be felt instantly. At times the testicles freely swing and also offer a cooling affect. While bending over or kneeling fresh air can be felt instantly in the anal region. body movements are also completely unrestricted by clothes. The liberating feeling of being nude is just super rewarding.

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RE:Working nude makes working recreational

body movements are also completely unrestricted by clothes.I've recently been going to a physical therapist for my shoulder.

At home, there's no problem with moving my arm and shoulder. At the therapists, I'm always having to adjust the sleeve so I can get the full range of motion. And I think, "If I could just take these clothes off, it would be so much better."

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RE:Working nude makes working recreational

woah! how are you able to work nude? thats awesome

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