RE:Smooth/Hairy Nudist Men

you won't find any 60yr old folks looking like 4yos at my place. I have no issue with naturally "smooth" but all this fashion stuff just is not my tastes at all.

I am with you on this. For all that we hear and read about nudists/naturists and body acceptance, there have been a lot of threads in this forum where the owners of razors, tattoos, and piercings with jewelry do it because they like the way it looks. Looks for whom? The owners of such or spectators?

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RE:Smooth/Hairy Nudist Men

I shave my pubes I used to shave my chest and stomach and once I shaved my legs I stayed so much cooler that summer with no hair

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RE:Smooth/Hairy Nudist Men

back in the mid 80's at the nudist camp i attended first the gals went smooth than some of the guys including me went smooth most said it was a fad now look 2023 it's still a fad and pretty popular when you go to resorts/camp , nude beaches but in the end its a personal choice. does it make me look like a kid going through puberty no not in my opinion it's no different than getting a haircut , same as shaving the hair on your head why if you have hair there why shave it - because you like the look i presume same with being a smoothie i presume ..

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RE:Smooth/Hairy Nudist Men

A personal sense when it comes to fashion does not end with clothing, and I don't see a good reason why it should. What we choose to do with ourselves, whether it be through piercings or tattoos or hair (or the lack thereof), it will be seen if we venture out in our bareness. Us nude folks are typically happy to be seen, are we not? Acceptance of all possible bodily permutations and additions (or subtractions) should be maintained - that point does not mean everyone will enjoy what we have chosen to do with our bodies. I may find that foot-wide, exploding bloody swastika back tattoo to be painful to look at, but out of respect I won't be making any comments on it. I probably won't be speaking to you at all if that is the first thing I notice because you have made a statement about what's important to you. That is your right. That tongue piercing may make your words essentially unintelligible, but I don't necessarily have to understand you, and I'm sure your wife loves how it feels when you're talking the language of love. In fact I hope you speak it all the time.

More to the point, I had a friend who found my smooth crotch uncomfortable to witness when we would hang out nude together, commenting more than once that she found it to look juvenile, almost perverse in her eyes. Why would I want to look like a prepubescent boy? And even though she never took a razor to herself down there, and sported a bush that could've probably been braided down past her knees (I exaggerate), I never made a negative comment about it, feeling as though respect was warranted above my personal taste for anyone's level of muff fur. It wasn't mine to comment on and it was without doubt a very natural occurrence.

Whether it's purely about esthetics or for medical reasons or for making it easier to froth up a good lather in the shower, I fault no one's pubic hair decisions. I've met nudists who feel that hair is one more way to hide away from the world so they get rid of it all! It's been my experience that the more I keep parts of me unclothed, the more hair I grow there - ain't that ironic?

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RE:Smooth/Hairy Nudist Men

OMG wildwilly!!!! I love reading your posts!!!! I agree with you! And youve painted some funny pics in my mind as I read your post!!!! My boyfriend will go hair free sometimes or keep his hair. Honestly, I like the hair, but its him that I like. And whatever comes with him. Doesnt change the way i feel about him. Myself, Ive never had much hair so I prefer to keep it smooth, just feels better to me. The comment you made about the tongue piercing!!!! Im cracking up!!!! Im not huge on body piercing, but thats a persons personal preference. (My ears are pierced). Im not going to judge. I LOVE tattoos!!! I only have three, but plan on getting a couple more this year. And I will definitely post those when I get them!

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RE:Smooth/Hairy Nudist Men

Thank you for the compliments fellow nuders! I will miss being able to take all the time I need to flesh out my thoughts so completely when I find it necessary to get a real job again. Bummer ahead...

I really do appreciate the little fan club with no clothes on, hee hee! But don't hold your breath for the book ~

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RE:Smooth/Hairy Nudist Men

Well we both shave !
But since I have retired and I am not wearing clothes as after. My body hair is growing out longer. Hmmm So I trim all my hair ! The back is trimmed very short and my ass also. My chest hair I keep longer because I like being a man. Lol but the wife wants it a little shorter so it doesnt go in her nose lol.
Even my belly hair I trim, I even have a beard and mustache with long hair on my head (what is left). lol

I think I prefer to trim and be smooth on different parts of my body. I also wear rings and putting them on with out hair is easier and less painful. But the feeling of being smooth is so nice in different ways. The sun and breeze make everything feel better.

I understand that people have a choice. Which is why we are different from each other. God if we were the same as each other. Boring ! As for longer hair I wonder about braiding and putting beads in it. Hmmm now that would be interesting

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RE:Smooth/Hairy Nudist Men

Hi everyone. Im both hairless down there and tattooed. The look is a personal choice, I like it. What others think is less important. Being hairless is cooler and cleaner. Tattoos are an art form, most quite beautiful, and done by very skilled creative artists. Most people get their tattoos because they like them and are less concerned whether or not others like them.

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RE:Smooth/Hairy Nudist Men

Some really good and funny comments above, and most importantly respectful. Whatever people choose to do is their choice, people here seem accepting & respecting, which is what I mostly read on the site. There are a few times when people argue and are not good site members, ie. not respectful but overall it's pretty good. I like to sport the clean look in summer when at the beach. I'm not very hairy but what I have on my arms, legs & chest is fairly blond. I just had a minor medical procedure where the nurse shaved one side of my chest and I suppose I did notice a difference, she laughed and said compared to others I was very low on chest hair. I've noticed some longer ones are grey, that to me was more of a concern. My head, well that is another matter, no hair cut since November 2019 when my wife was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, I wear it long but mostly tied back, I get a bit of crap from men my age, mostly I think they are jealous ... haha. So to others, wear it, don't wear it or do whatever in between, your choice and as nudies we will respect so hopefully non-nudies respect our choice.

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RE:Smooth/Hairy Nudist Men

I need to shave mine off. All my hair comes in uneven patches throughout my body, so I just don't like the way it looks or feels, so it comes off. Swimming feels much better shaved anyway.

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