RE:Time for a check in...

It's not a bad flu. my local hospital is unable to accept any new patients because it is full. I've never personally known anyone to die from the flu but know a half dozen people who have died to covid. A bad flu doesn't do that. Stop downplaying the virus, wear a mask and don't be stupid. The reason we are where we are today is because too many people didn't do the basic and easy things they could have done.

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RE:Time for a check in...

But if you did everything right and still got it the extra precautions ( shutdown lockdown) seem to be a waste of time and ruining many people's business and lifes!

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RE:Time for a check in...

HI everyone, I am located in eastern middle area of C.T. Lisbon Jewett City area. I am a member at Solair in Woodstock, and I like to spend time outdoors. I joined the group to meet other members, and spend some time sharing in activities. I like to walk, hike, and mountain bike in the local parks and on the Airline trail that runs through C. T. My activities outdoors have made this pandemic far more tolerable, I will be glad when we get through it.

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RE:Time for a check in...

Wow, glad you both recovered!
still hunkering down in nyc...

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RE:Time for a check in...

Officially a covid free house again! And just in time to decorate the house and do a little Christmas shopping for people we probably wont see. Lol. But thats a discussion for another post.

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RE:Time for a check in...

Would you have chosen Lock Downs during a very bad flu season? Covid is showing a less than 1% mortality rate and the actual mortality rate due to only Covid infection is around 6% of all cases related to infections. I fall into that group by age and comorbidities of the most vulnerable and for a less than 1% risk of death I would never shut down my country.

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RE:Time for a check in...

Well said mate, I am regional and didn't have the restrictions Melbourne did but while a very hard, difficult, stressful and lonely time for all, well it worked, we are in a far better position than do many nations around the world.
My heart goes out to them.

Praying those cases in quarantine from returned traveller's does not escape.
Stay well, take care and hang free.

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RE:Time for a check in...

new to TN looking to meet likeminded people to hang naked with in CT. I live in wethersfield.

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RE:Time for a check in...

My neighbor's in their 60's, went on a cruise in February and came home with the Covid. Went straight into self quarantine but the wife who was the healthier of the two, started to deteriorate and died after 3 weeks. Please do not say it is no worse than the flu. It is significantly worse with many long term health issue.

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RE:Time for a check in...

Abysmal political leadership & people being selfish & self entitled, instead of being caring community citizens, has seen the death toll rise to over 300000 in the US, whereas the short term anguish & financial suffering that goes with lock downs has proven to be one of the main reasons why Australia & New Zealand have essentially eradicated the virus.
Yes, there was resistance from some groups against lock downs but the authorities moved quickly to introduce financial support measures & ramped up the medical system & the general population adapted to the new restrictions that were put in place.
I just hope the quickly developed vaccines now being rolled out in other countries work successfully, as the lack of leadership & slow response in many countries means the medical systems are overwhelmed & inoculating the population is the only measure left for those countries to bring this terrible virus under control.

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