Fishing trip in September

Hey group,
Ill be in Sarasota area in September, anyone up for a fishing trip with my son and I? Were looking to charter a guide but if a nudist is willing to take us in a nude fishing trip Id be glad to pay for gas and bait. Inshore or offshore dont matter, as long as we can be nude for the day!

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RE:Fishing trip in September

In a normal year Id be there fishing most of Sept. this year we ended up leaving to come north so late and are now working on a plan to return. Everything is up in the air with the virus, traveling, flying over the holidays, etc. Not sure if doing the Sept. trip at this time but thinking it will not happen this year. Thanks for posting on the site. Maybe another time when things get back to normal?

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RE:Fishing trip in September

I understand. This virus has everything changing. You dont happen to know if someone else down there to take us out for the day?

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RE:Fishing trip in September

WOW I guess I have not been on line here for a while. Sorry I missed your last message. Hope you guys had a good trip. I hope you found someone to go fishing with and had a good trip. Sorry I missed your last message!!!

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