COVID-19 and nudity?

Had anybody got the COVID-19 virus while being nude? I believe being nude outdoors in nature helps to improve your immunity. It is just a theory. But, it would be a interesting experiment to study.

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RE:COVID-19 and nudity?

The latest issue of Readers Digest has an article about the benefits of having good levels of Vitamin D which your body produces when it get exposed to sunlight. People with natural Vitamin D have lower rates of many afflictions including COVID19.

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RE:COVID-19 and nudity?

Had anybody got the COVID-19 virus while being nude? I believe being nude outdoors in nature helps to improve your immunity. It is just a theory. But, it would be a interesting experiment to study.

A member/resident/on site worker/nudist from our club, came down with Covid 19. Like any incident or situation involving someone you do not know, personally, not too much info was shared, as it should be. Our club went into shut down mode for two weeks. It can't be known if this person was actually nude when they contracted Covid or how they got exposed.

I can say without a doubt that Di and I have not contracted the virus while naked. Since it's just the two of us here and when it's just the two of us, we are naked. If we're dressed it's because we are out and about or we have non nudist visitors! ;DDD

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RE:COVID-19 and nudity?

Thanks for the reply.

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RE:COVID-19 and nudity?

Had anybody got the COVID-19 virus while being nude? I believe being nude outdoors in nature helps to improve your immunity. It is just a theory. But, it would be a interesting experiment to study.

Unless you were only at one place 24/7 it would be almost impossible to determine exactly where you were exposed. You might be able to make a decent guess based on other cases, but that's it. I am pretty certain I was exposed at the St Louis Auto Show the last weekend of January. Fortunately, if that's what I had, my symptoms were very mild (Indigestion and suddenly becoming lactose intolerant - both of which passed in about 5 weeks).

I do agree that being out in the open/fresh air is significantly better than being locked up indoors breathing the same recycled air over and over, irregardless of COVID-19. The lock-down, as implemented, most certainly made things worse not better. Parks and beaches should never have been closed entirely. Common areas within them maybe, but not the whole park.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:COVID-19 and nudity?

Parks and beaches should never have been closed entirely. Common areas within them maybe, but not the whole park.

I tend to agree except the reason they were was because of the spring break and other pictures of beaches and other parks overrun with huge crowds clearly not social distancing along with numerous complaints from older people that are at risk but wanted to get out and found way too many people not being responsible.

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